Shunning, and "marking" is still widely practiced among cultish sects and groups. It's without doubt one of the most cruel acts of mental and emotional torture ever devised by man. The outcome of shunning has an emotional impact so devastating upon the victim that is almost indescribable in it's effects of demoralizing the individual.
The act of being cut off, and cast away from the only loved one's, friends and families of the "shunned" party is to separate him or her from the only support system and resources the victim has ever known. Even the very financial resources of the shunned party are sometimes put in jeopardy.
The only real time spiritual counsel I can give those suffering from such rejection is to turn to the source of all comfort, the LORD JESUS CHRIST, who said he would never leave us or forsake us.
Rejection leaves the shunned person spiritually stunned, and traumatized. Often feelings of guilt set in, followed by depression.
Our True Shepherd would have us know that we need not take these feelings of imposed guilt down into our spirits. We must realize that when we can't change the unfair opinions of others, we must release feelings of guilt and set ourselves free from all forms of bondage's placed on us by others.
With Jesus help, we can be free of the unforgiveness and rejection of others by a deliberate act of will. The enemy of our soul would keep us in torment over this 'guilt tripping' by others. But we must see it for what it is, a snare of the enemy to keep us down, and in bondage.
The old saying "Let go and let God" is a release for our tortured souls. Be aware that Christ never intended for man to set judgment on us, as He is our judge, and kinsman redeemer.
Rejoice in that, when you are persecuted for his name sake, in that he also suffered the rejection of the organized religious system in his time on this earth. The Pharisee's of our time are not much different than they were in Jesus day, with the exception that now they use a fiery mental crucifixion as their instrument of torture.
"Shunning is the act of deliberately avoiding association with, and habitually keeping away from an individual or group. It is a sanction against association often associated with religious groups and other tightly-knit organizations and communities. Targets of shunning can include, but are not limited to apostates, whistleblowers, dissidents, people classified as "sinners" or "traitors" and other people who defy or who fail to comply with the standards established by the shunning group(s). Extreme forms of shunning and related practices[citation needed] have rendered the general practice controversial." (read more inside title link).
Shunning is an malicious act of unforgiveness, an attempt to control and/or punish someone who has reasons for not conforming. Make no mistake, if we cannot forgive, we will not be forgiven. (Matthew 6:14,15)
ReplyDeleteIf we are to be like Jesus, remember Jesus shunned no one.
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