Many of us were manipulated and abused by people who said they had special powers from God. These powers supposedly gave some of them the ability to read minds, know about our life history, and even control the fate of others. After being convinced that they had these powers over us, many of us gave these people control over our minds and our lives out of fear. This is one of the biggest hurdles to cross after escaping a spiritually abusive group. What should we believe about divination now? Is it real, or was it all a hoax?
Some people believe that if humans truly had divination powers, we would all be in big trouble! That would mean someone could throw a whammy on you and ruin your life, your relationships, and your finances. Does anyone really have that kind of power? If they did have, wouldn't we be hearing news stories about it every day? I personally believe that whatever we allow ourselves to believe regarding superstitions and divination, it will rule our thinking and beliefs. If you believe in it, then you become convinced that it is real. If you don't believe it, then it loses power over your mind. I chose not to believe it, and since I made that choice it hasn't had one ounce of power over me anymore.
I believe that if divination were real, we may as well just give up on life because everyone could control us with their evil divination powers and witchcraft. I am convinced that we are dealing with are the remnants of mind control. People that we looked up to as spiritual leaders took advantage of our gullibility by conning us into believing they had special powers, and we fell right into their trap. The only way out of the trap is to unbelieve the pack of lies that they fed us.
Many times gullible victims are duped into believing that a “prophet” has special insight into someone’s past or future. As far as I am concerned, this type of fortune-telling is no different than a tarot card reader in a carnival sideshow. It’s easy to use generic phrases on people such as, “I see that you had a difficult childhood” or “I see that you were wounded by a relationship in the past”. These things could apply to all of us! But when someone is “reading our mail”, it seems so real - especially if they hit a soft spot in our emotions. This is when we become vulnerable to get sucked right into their mind control, giving over control of our minds to these “spiritual leaders” to an even great extent.
The process that spiritual abusers use to brainwash their victims is called milieu control. Milieu control is a neologism for the control of environment and human communication through the use of social pressure and group language that may include dogma, protocols, slang, and pronunciation, which enables group members to identify other members, or to promote cognitive changes in individuals. When a large group of people believe in a specific superstition or divination, the entire group becomes completely convinced that it is real, regardless of how ridiculous it may seem to outsiders.
Fortunately, just as our minds were trained to believe a specific superstition or divination, they can also be untrained. This can be a very liberating process. I believe that whatever you choose to believe will rule you. If you believe that people have special powers over you, they will have. If you choose not to believe it, their power becomes null and void.
Notice: The articles on this website are derived from the opinions of the webmaster of this website, and nothing more.
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