Mishel McCumber, a former insider at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries has come forward with what really goes on behind the scenes at JSM, and it's not a pretty picture. Certainly not a picture of a god-fearing man who is truly repentant of the scandalous affair of being involved with prostitutes, adultery and porn addiction a number of years ago.
Sex scandals seem to be becoming the new norm in the Christian Community. But with Jimmy Swaggart ministries, it would appear that there are other things being hidden behind closed doors.
(Click on the title above to read Mishel's story from her blog, "Deception Bytes"."
Unfortunately, the only difference between the spiritual abuse that's being alleged against the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, and many small churches all over the country, is that it's happening on a large scale, affecting perhaps hundreds of employees, and multitudes of faithful but deluded Swaggart devotees.
I was a brand new "born again" Christian back then when the Jimmy Swaggart scandal broke and devastated the Christian community who'd held Swaggart in such high esteem, but I can still remember seeing Swaggart on TV bawling like a baby, confessing his sin and asking forgiveness to a public audience. We can't know personally the dialogue between him and the Father, but, it seemed to me at the time the guy looked sincerely repentant. But then, I didn't have much spiritual savvy and wisdom behind my belt back then either, so what did I know? I just figured that anyone who said they were a Christian...was a Christian. That was then and this is now however.
What baffled me then, was how could a sincere, blood bought Christian do the things he apparently got caught doing? Now, after some years of observing how things work in Christendom, I have a clearer picture. I've noticed that many Christians start off on fire for God, (first love), and then some where along the line, go haywire.
Obviously Swaggart went haywire big time. I believe a loving God makes a place for all Christians to repent when they mess up and fall into temptation, but what really troubles me is when they claim to be repentant, but then either don't....and/or, attempt to cover it up, which to me is a worse sin. That's not true repentance.
With Swaggart, it seems his so-called "ministry" was more important to him than God and living for Jesus Christ. Walking the walk, as I've found personally is a lot harder than just learning to "talk the talk". And in Swaggart's case, he was an expert at talking the talk. A master at it in fact. He knew the gospel, he knew- and apparently had a real experience with Jesus Christ at one time. But when he fell, he was right in the middle of still preaching publicly. This is spiritual abuse any way you shake it...and there is no "excusing it" and sweeping it under the carpet with the old "judge not" mantra.
I had a friend back then who told me that she'd looked up to Jimmy Swaggart so much as an exemplary Christian, that went he fell, she wondered if Jimmy Swaggart could "fall from grace", then how in the world could she, a lowly Christian woman ever make it?
I was a newbie during this period of time as I'd said, but my friend told me that she'd heard a "prophecy" about Jimmy Swaggart after his disgraceful fall that the LORD had said, he would go back into ministry, but it would never be to the extent and power that it was before.
I don't know whether that was a true word from the LORD or not, but the fact that Swaggart went back into the ministry at all, is sad, since apparently he has broken trust with God by spiritually abusing his employees, and deceiving his faithful supporters.
This is the issue I've been trying to drive home time and again to my friends and family, that this type of deception would NOT BE POSSIBLE, if Christians would seriously study the Word of God for themselves, and pray, pray, pray until they receive spiritual discernment well enough to detect frauds like Swaggart. I know it's possible to have this high level of discernment. It's available through God to walk in the Spirit with this discernment. We need it! The only weapon Satan has is deception.
And......"IF" Christians would learn to avoid the Nicolaitan error of putting men like Jimmy Swaggart on a pedestal, and seriously study the Word for themselves with the Holy Spirit as their teacher, then the Swaggart's of Christendom would be looking for another day job instead of deceiving and bilking "the faithful" out of millions upon millions of dollars. Not to mention disgracing the name of Christ, and being an embarrassment to God.
Well, apparently Swaggart is still in business, for the time being at least. I keep praying, believing, and looking forward to the day when "Judgment begins at the household of God". Or maybe it already has...we've seen ministry after ministry go down in recent years with one scandal after another being exposed. Unfortunately, many of these spiritual abusers and charlatans pick themselves up, wipe the dirt off their faces, do a little "counseling" and "restoration" and then get right back in the pulpit again. This, when they should be required to step down and STAY DOWN. I believe in forgiveness, but in cases like this, where it is so very serious, I think it should be a permanent deal breaker when a man who had the trust of so many people betrayed them.
I loved what Mishel prayed, (just below), that set her free from deception. What a difference it would make for all Christians sincerely seeking the truth if they would pray the same way. Then, these terrible abuses would NOT be possible because we'd all be able to spot the wolves in the sheepfold early on and avoid them at all costs!
"My journey out of deception began with a prayer, an innocuous prayer that hardly seemed life changing in its scope. In fact, at the time, it hardly seemed much of anything at all. “Dear Lord,” I prayed, “if I am believing any lies in my life, or am deceived in any areas of my Christian life and what I believe, can you show me? I want your Truth at all costs, even if knowing it destroys my entire world. Oh, and I mean it Lord, even if part of me doesn't and is scarred.” That was the prayer; the prayer that changed my world and set me free. In retrospect, it was a silly child-like prayer, but God honored it.
Did knowing the Truth destroy my world? Quite frankly, yes. However, at that point, my entire world was built on lies and illusion. What would the value have been in keeping that kind of world intact?Make no mistake about it. Truth will cost you."
I was moved to pray like Mishel did as well. We need never think we are above being deceived. That's a dangerous place to be spiritually and can open us up to much pain, and it's not God's will for us to suffer in that way. But..he does require that we discipline ourselves to study and pray so that we may know that precious truth that will set us free from error, bondage, sin, and the deception of spiritual abusers and extortionists.
We are all flesh when we fall we need to get up repent, ask for forgiveness and move on. And as for jimmy swaggert he is a blessing from GOD for my self Alfred salazar and many,many other people.
ReplyDeleteMoral Cleanness: Jehovah wants his worshipers to behave as true Christians at all times. (1 Peter 2:12) He sees everything we do, even in secret. (Hebrews 4:13) We should avoid sexual immorality and other unclean practices of this world.—1 Corinthians 6:9-11.
DeleteMental Cleanness: If we fill our minds with clean, pure thoughts, our conduct will also be clean. (Philippians 4:8) But if we dwell on unclean things, it will result in wicked deeds. (Matthew 15:18-20) We should avoid forms of entertainment that could soil our minds. We can fill our minds with clean thoughts by studying God’s Word.
Physical Cleanness: Because they represent God, Christians should keep their bodies and clothing clean. We should wash our hands after using the toilet, and we should wash them before eating meals or handling food. If you do not have a proper sewage disposal system, toilet wastes should be buried. (Deuteronomy 23:12, 13) Keeping physically clean contributes to good health. A Christian’s home should be neat and clean both inside and outside. It should stand out in the community as a good example.
Clean Speech: God’s servants must always speak the truth. Liars will not enter God’s Kingdom. (Ephesians 4:25; Revelation 21:8) Christians do not use bad language. They do not listen to or tell dirty jokes or unclean stories. Because of their clean speech, they stand out as different at work or at school and in the neighborhood.—Ephesians 4:29, 31; 5:3.
Spiritual Cleanness: If we want to serve Jehovah, (the most high God Ps 83:18) we cannot hold on to any of the teachings or customs of false religion. We must get out of false religion and not support it in any way. (2 Corinthians 6:14-18; Revelation 18:4) Once we have learned the truth about God, we must be careful not to be misled by people who teach falsehood.—2 John 10, 11.
God’s servants must be clean in all respects
DeleteHe has been restored. you have no right to judge him. only GOD has that right. I watch him all the time. i get so blessed.
DeleteIts not just jimmyy swaggart that fell read the bible look king david an his affair with bathsheba. Also the murderering of her husband urriah God was still able to use david after all of this but oh no not jimmy its over for him no it aint God can use anybody no matter what they done if they truly are sorry an ask for for forgivness. Yall people need to becareful what yall say about jimmy swaggart other preachers and believers God judges not us he knows our hearts i would not dare to speak against whoever God uses. Anyways most of yall are gossiping on here so much like the world leave there problems between them an the Lord. Yall got issues in yall lives to worry about instead of putting the man of God down
DeleteIt amazes me that Swaggart's followers say we have no right to judge them,yet let Swaggart and his family judge us and play God because we listen to secular music,go to a movie,or because someone is of a different faith,the Swaggarts get a free pass.
DeleteThe bible don't say only the Swaggarts can judge but we can't.It says "Judge Not,lest ye be judged".That not only goes for all of us,but the Swaggarts too.Yet,it appears,if we listen to Secular Music,go to a movie,or if we are Catholic,or any other denomination,the Swaggarts say we are not Christian.That's judging too.And just as we are not to judge,neither are the Swaggarts,and his followers.God is no respector of persons.
What Pastor Swaggart did in his PAST was judged by all men who knew about it. He suffered and repented of it. Those things you bring up that you may be doing, ie, going to movies, listening to secular music etc.... are things you may PRESENTLY be doing. There is a difference in TRUE REPENTANCE and ongoing sin. When Jesus spoke to the afulteress, HE told her go and sin NO MORE. He forgave her of her past. Her responsibility is to SIN NO MORE. If you continue in sin, after you have been cleansed, you make the blood of Jesus of none effect and trample on the blood of Christ. It's all very simple to understand really. It's scriptural. You in essence are saying preachers cant preach against sin because they are guilty of doing it sometime in their lives. Irregardless if they have repented and sinned no more.........Paul preached about many things he was ONCE GUILTY OF> As did many other preachers.
DeleteWhat did Swaggart think about the soul of the call girl?How many
ReplyDeleteturned away from God for his selish self serving act?God may forgive him for hlping to send people to hell but I can not.
It is wonderful that you will one day be able to approach the throne of grace with an unblemished soul. When Jesus died on the cross he said "it is finished!" - Not - "it is finished...except for that one thing Pastor Jimmy will do in the 80's!"
DeleteAnyone who goes to hell - has chosen his own destiny. Jimmy Swaggart was never ordained by God to send anyone to heaven or hell.
God delights in him.
You say "Maybe God can forgive Swaggart but I can not". You are setting yourself above God when you say that. If you can't forgive Jimmy Swaggart then God can't forgive you your sins either.
Deleteif this is true and you can't forgive then our God can't forgive you. if you are without sin then you be his judge. if he is deceiving the people he show got me deceived. I been blessed through his teaching.
DeleteWe are told in Scripture that as we forgive others, He will forgive us and if we don't forgive, He will not forgive us. No matter what anyone does, it is to God they stand or fall, its not for us to judge for we are not able to see the heart of any individual to judge fair or correct. Only God can forgive and wash sin away but we are commanded to forgive others or He won't forgive us. Whatever measure you mete, will be measured to you. You need to repent for your unforgiving spirit, for your sake. Not forgiving others, hurts us not the other person.
DeleteIt was not easy for Pastor Jimmy to openly declare his sins before GOD and his followers.I am pleased he did. Remember one thing that judgement belongs only to GOD. He is a MAN of GOD not the SPIRIT of GOD.
DeletePlease leave judgement to GOD.If you are not ok with his ministry,why not leave his church instead of pointing accusing fingers at the anointed. Approach matters like this as a child of GOD and not as a JUDGE. I know GOD shall have mercy on us all in JESUS NAME.
neither will your father which is in heaven forgive you your trespasses. Matthew 6 15
DeleteWhat Swaggart did was wrong, it was sin and no excuse for it HOWEVER, many have fallen from high places, look at King David, he sinned and as a result lost his baby son. Sin is costly but God can and will restore a repentant person, if He didn't where would we be? I don't know about you, but I am FAR from perfect and rely on God's mercy, grace, love and forgiveness each day! You must forgive Swaggart, if a Holy, Perfect Just God can forgive him, why don't you, a sinner forgive another sinner? If you want to be forgiven by God you MUST forgive others! We ALL have fallen short of the glory of God, yet He still forgives us, He doesn't have to, but he does when we go to God, believing on Jesus for our salvation and we repent of our sins so please, let God be God and if he forgives, we better be willing to forgive also! Open your heart and eyes to the truth of God's word and you will see forgiveness is very important for us to receive (reap)forgiveness from God, we must also give (sow)forgiveness! We have no right to hold onto unforgiveness!
DeleteOnly God has the power to forgive. God has forgiven Pastor Jimmy adn has blessed him even more spiritually. His music has changed my life and I will still love him and praise my God for giving the world such wonderful people like Jimmy Swaggart, regardless of what the world or anybody thinks of him.
DeleteGod bless the Swaggarts!
Well I agree swaggart fell so have I and so did david so did peter etc. My wife watches swaggart all day and it has changed her. Does God use swaggart still yes he does my wife is living proof. I believe he Is sincere in his walf now and I cant judge weather or not God has forgiven him and neither can anyone else. I dont have pitty on swaggart he and God knows his heart now you or I dont. But to say God can forgive him but you cant is scary for you love you enemy and forgive so you can be forgiven. I love Jesus and I do like the way swaggart preaches and what he does preach is from the word hes not trying to water it down or change the word to fit his lifestyle like so many other preacjers do. And I feel God has used his struggles to the good we all know what he did is wrong and sinful but he repented and he is back to doing Gods work. And if his heart isnt pure thats between him and God and his house wont stand but it hasnt fallen yet so he must be pure again. His preaching is reaching and saving thousands thats good enough for me.
DeleteYou CAN'T FORGIVE????????????? Oh my. What does that tell you???
DeleteHey, Jesus also said, "Go and sin no more lest a worse thing happen to you".
ReplyDeleteAs for me, I'm tired of churches and members blindly offering forgiveness to the wolves who predator the flock and get away with it. Especially to those in leadership positions who are responsible not only to the flock their supposed to be protecting, (not devouring), and to God. After all, it's HIS CHURCH, not these hirelings who prey on God's people.
I agree with you and his next move I think should have been to permennetly serve in a lesser podition and since he did not obey the assembly of God Church that he was suposed ato be accountable tto. Now he is teaching error. I believe by teaching faith in the battle field or weapon (The Cross) insted of christ and his blood alone. not the cross and christ. His gulit is searching for and exscuse for what he did and may be still doing.
DeleteI've heard this "forgiveness" scripture used over and over again to justify the most heinous and evil acts against humanity on earth.. but I can't help but think about what Jesus warned about the offences to HIS little ones "it would be better for them if they hung a milstone around their neck and be thrown in the depths of the sea if they hurt these little ones who belong to me, the angel that watches over these my little ones does always behold the face of My Father" in Ezekiel 34, that entire chapter is devoted to how God feels about false shepherds/wolves and how he plans to deal with them. John the Immerser/Baptist told the people to be baptized "bring forth FRUIT worthy
Deleteof repentance" therefore as Jesus said
a tree is known by it's fruit...you know the reckoning is coming...are we truly ready....
Amen. Matt. 24:24 there are those who will call themselves prophets and be none more than the antichrist. Even signs and wonders will not fool those of the Lord but it's sad people in that church are being led the wrong way.
DeleteFunny, my name shows I'm not anonymous I'm glad..
DeleteHi, everybody l am glad you guys replyed. I am 42 yrs old and just learning how to use the computer, i am the one who replyed as anonymous Jan. 14, 2012. Because thats the only way I could make my comment go out. Anyways my name is Alfred Salazar from New Mexico. I just want too say I love God,Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and I am sure who ever reads this does too, or alse you wouldnt be reading this. I know forgiveness is hard to accept, but if we are christans,its something we need to do.or else if we dont forgive it becomes like cancer, and makes our christan walk hard. I would like to hear from any one. Thanks until next time, God bess you all.
ReplyDeleteAMEN! My name is Rose ( I am anonymous I dont know how else to post this) I agree we need to forgive! I am not saying that leaders/Pastors are allowed to sin all they want and be allowed to preach/lead, but if a brother or sister is stumbled or fallen and repent, we need to do all we can to restore them in love. God will forgive a repentant person who is trusting Jesus for salvation and forgiveness. We all sin and fall short of the glory of God, we all need his mercy, love, and forgiveness. If a Holy, perfect, God will forgive a sinner, why can't us sinners forgive another sinner? We all must realize we need to forgive if we want to be forgiven! A church leader should be forgiven if he/she repents, as for restoration of leadership duties, that takes time and depends on the situation. I don't believe a sin should totally disqualify a person to be a pastor/leader BUT they need a time for deliverance from the sinful behavior, healing of their spirit, Godly council, prayer and accountability. Leaders/Pastors must be able to be in control of themselves and their own families before they can lead others. We as a church family need to be there to help, encourage, love and any thing we can do to encourage each other and our leaders. We must have unity and love and the desire to help a repentant person who has fallen, not just point fingers and criticize. We must stand together against the enemy who wants to divide our churches.
DeleteThe "key" word here is "restore". Jimmy refused to go through the restoration of the assembly of God church. Thot he was too good for that..
Delete"That" is the problem.......
Alfred you sound like a great Bother so please listen to me. All is not right in what is called the church. The biggest deceptions are 99 percent truth and 1 percent lie's. That 1 percent can kill you. Please pray on second Corinthians 11- 12 thru 14 14 And no marvel for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Their are many among us that feed their own bellys and only give lip sevice to Gods glory. People have even been brought to the Lord ay benny hinn services but it was inspite of his false doctrine and not because of it. Ohh please dont tell me you like him too. Please keep searching prayerfully and compare what these men say to God word and not what these men tell you it means. These false prophets are so good they can make you believe a lie if we are not careful. Love of the Lord to you! keep on seeking the truth. from Michael
ReplyDeleteReally? Men are men!! A preacher is no higher or better or more accountable to God than you or I, they are humans and humans are going to SIN!! Thats y Jesus died on the cross because we are going to sin, we do not have the power not to.. The bible said we are not to judge that only he is the judge. You are judging and sentencing him for his sin. You sin everyday and if you say you dont then you are lying. But because you are not famous and on television nobody gets to see your mistakes and sins but if you were you most def, stay on the news. The word clearly states if you do not forgive others for there sins then your sins will not be forgivin. You need to pray that evil spirit that has you bound by ignorance and jealousy and whatever else is going on out of you and quit hating. I dont believe in every pastor on television and what there selling but I will not be there judge and even begin to talk about them like this because I will answer to god for that.. that is y he gave us discernment to know when we hear false doctrine but not to blab and judge and turn brother against brother... I will be praying for you
DeleteBrother, you are taking the word out of context and ignoring some of it. A) pastors are humans and sinners, but the word teaches they are held to account for their teachings and those they lead (Hebrews), B) as Matthew 18 says not to judge lest you be judged is to ensure yourself that you are not guilty of the same sins you are renouncing. Jesus than goes on to tell us how judgement of sin should be applied to Believers. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 5 that we are to judge those in the church, not those outside the church (unbelievers) for it is for God to judge unbelievers. Pastor Rick
DeleteMatt. 7:1-2, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged :and with what measure ye meters, it shall be measured to you again." KJV 1 JOHN 4, NOT EVERY SPIRIT IS OF GOD, SO TEST THEM. EVEN IF THEY SAY THEY ARE.
Matt. 7:1-2, "Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged :and with what measure ye meters, it shall be measured to you again." KJV 1 JOHN 4, NOT EVERY SPIRIT IS OF GOD, SO TEST THEM. EVEN IF THEY SAY THEY ARE.
Evangelist:I'd like to defend God and his Word.
ReplyDeleteScripture: Speak Evil of no Man...You don't need a Hermaneutics to understand the Scripture
David speaking of King Saul,would not touch God's anointed..but went too him in private. God said what is done in secret it would be sounded upon the roof top's. If God brings a Man down...never let it be said, you helped him. Pray and let God do the chastisement. Love
I've been watching Jimmy Swaggart preach since I was a little girl! When I heard that he had sinned, I felt so angry! And I stopped watching him on tv. But I watch his program every night now and I love to watch Francis and friends! Brother Swaggart is human, he sinned but which one of us can cast the first stone! It happened a long time ago! God will judge him who are we to judge! So much souls that have come to the Lord through brother Swaggarts ministry! God bless him and his ministry and all his family!
DeleteI've been watching Jimmy Swaggart preach since I was a little girl! When I heard that he had sinned, I felt so angry! And I stopped watching him on tv. But I watch his program every night now and I love to watch Francis and friends! Brother Swaggart is human, he sinned but which one of us can cast the first stone! It happened a long time ago! God will judge him who are we to judge! So much souls that have come to the Lord through brother Swaggarts ministry! God bless him and his ministry and all his family!
Deleteamen, been to his church multiple times and uphold the ministry. He is as well as many others there in the church are doing Gods work. If we put ministry down for sin, then our hearts need a check. Jesus is comming and lo to those who are bound by unforgivness and judgements.
DeleteAmen! I couldn't agree with you more!God chooses who He uses and we do well to remember there is no perfect person He can use to preach His Word. We are all flesh and supposed to be in the Family of God. No house divided can stand and we who cause division will be held accountable. Jimmy Swaggart preaches the Word straight up and I do not worship a man, but God only and at the same time Praise Him for using frail humans to preach the Word to us, especially Brother Swaggart and the other ministers in the church. Anyone who loves the Lord and His Word should have no bad thing to say about any Preacher. They belong to the Lord and He will judge. We do well to "SPEAK EVIL OF NO MAN" as the other comment says. You will be judged how you treat the brethren and you grieve the Holy Spirit every time you speak evil of any of His children.
DeleteYe without sin cast the first stone none of us are above fallen or making a mess out of things. But the most important thing is not staying down Brother Jimmy and his family are not perfect nor are we all we are doing is trying to get as many souls to heaven!
DeleteI have watched Jimmy Swaggart since I got saved and it was thru his ministry that I got a rock solid foundation in Jesus Christ. He fell, probably struggled in agony with his sin. He NEVER preached a wrong gospel. After his fall from grace his family stayed together and God has raised up that ministry. No one is perfect in handling things. It's the gospel that has to remain accurate. It's God that forgives and restores. We do have to be watchful because we can all be deceived. It's GODS word that matters. Also teaching that put US in the center of the word is error. It's not about all the good stuff God has for us to go after but first of all we are sinners with a corrupt heart that needs transformation, sanctification. HIS absolute forgiveness is there for us to be able to be brought to the image of Christ. The journey is the same for all of us. Many false gospels are being preached and they sound soooo good, but eventually I was shown the error by the Holy Spirit who is our guide, teacher etc. we need to be humbly submitted Him.
Delete2 Timothy 2:2-"And the things that you have heard from me among many witnesses, commit these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." Paul's instruction to Timothy carried with it an implied understanding that there must be accountability among Christians; especially those in leadership positions. This will provide those individuals with protection by those who can and will hold each one accountable. It is doubtful that such a relationship existed for Jimmy. What he has done is surely harmful, to some extent, to those of various levels of faith; but, each one of us are responsible to God for the decisions we make. Any turning away from the Lord is the responsibility of each individual who takes this action and they should not blame others ie JS for their decision. Decisions have consequences-both for JS and each of us. May we examine our hearts in light of God's Word and the life of Jesus Christ to determine where we stand, by faith, in our relationship with God.
ReplyDeleteI believe that God can save anyone even Jimmy. But since he has sinned he should be more forgiving and read what other churches teach instead of judging them as false religions or cults instead of checking out their doctrines. On Francis & friends all they do is laugh or belittle anyone who has an opinion other than their beliefs. I have never heard any disagreements that are properly shown to be against the bible (KJV). Other than one verse or at the most two that was tossed to the audience to prove their point and told to buy this or that book with their comentary to prove their point. We all know that individual verses cannot prove anything out of content. I personally think JSM is the false prophet talked about in the end times. May God have mercy on his soul.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Swaggart is a man of God and my brother in the Lord. If you knew the Word as you should you would know the few Scriptures they give is enough and Sister Frances has thousands of listeners and moves along to get as many calls and emails as she can in the short time she has. I have learned much and grown in the Lord more since I began to listen to the Ministry than I have my whole Christian walk! If you take time to listen you will realize he is teaching it right. All I have learned so far is consistent with the rest of Scripture and all the study guides are blessing too. The teaching is right, you need to listen with a open heart and you will see. It's the Gospel. Most Christians have listened to false teaching for so long they don't know the Truth when they hear it. Forgive and let God take care of His Own, cause He's more than able to do that, and listen to the MESSAGE. May God have mercy on your soul for speaking such mean things about the man of God, He chooses to use.
DeleteWe as children of God have been called into a ministry of reconcillation, we should be careful not to be part of the ministry of accusation (it is the devil that is called the Accuser of brethren)! Remember, it doesn't matter who you are, as long as you are human, we only see and know in part, we can never see the entire picture, becuase we are not God! So rather than take up the ministry of accusation (as I am unsure what you want us to do with this information - how and who does it help?), let us pray for one another. If you are unable to continue with any church or ministry, just move on and pray for them. You are not God, you only know what you think you know!, so pray for them and move on, BUT be careful not to take on the ministry of the accuser, except you are sure that is a specific calling for you life from God!!, and if so, you have to sure that it is a blessing to the body of Christ and not a personal feel good ministry that makes one feel better than the other person. That is not God!
ReplyDeleteAmen to that! Sin is sin in the sight of God. The word tells us that ALL have sinned & come short if the glory of God. Holding a persons mis-deeds against them is sin. God calls us all to love. This would include forgiving. I didn't read where there were any exceptions here. Who do we think we are having the audacity to not forgive when clearly God does. Though at times it may seem a difficult thing to do, it is still our responsibility & can be achieved with the help & guidance of the Holy Spirit. So just do that & stop using the word of God to continually slander someone for what they did & for what God has more than likely already forgiven them for. Are you perfect? Have you always been without sin our never wrong? even since your conversion. Be careful in responding, lest the secret & vile inclinations of your heart deceive you to Him who knows & sees all.
DeleteStop shooting goals in the other team's basket & play for God's team. We don't know what dialogue God is having with anyone of us. We don't know how God is working on any of us. The best thing to do is to sweep around your own front door & stop trying to pick through someone else's trash. WE will all have to give an account to God for our works...good & bad. Remember you too are a preacher, speaking from a pulpit, it is your life & your choices. What is your message & what does it truly reveal concerning your relationship with God?. What will your explanation be to the Father if you neglect to lead someone to Christ because you were too busy smashing one of His chosen. I'm just saying. Love, because Jesus said so. Concentrate on God & pray for the people & things that you don't like & can't understand. Above all seek God for every thing & allow Him to work on your heart. Trust God not the man. Get in & stay in your word & pray for understanding & wisdom. What was said about deception is true...so what's keeping the mirror out of our faces? Be blessed!
I give thanks to God for your comment. He that without sin cast the first stone! If Jesus had not talk tothose men that they would have stoned that poor woman right there on the spot! When Christ asked her for her accusers she realized they were all gone, because they know they were filled with sins! We as Christians should be THANKFUL THAT GOD TAKES ALL OUR SINS AND THROW THEM IN THE SEA OF FORGETFULNESS AND REMEMBER THEM NO MORE! But we stay going to the DUMP and digging out CHRISTIANS SIN/S and WIPING IT ALL OVER THERE FACES! Don't we know that we are helping Satan in his work? We as Christians should know that everytime we are doing a true work of God that Satan will come and attack us on EVERY SIDE, WITH EVERYTHING OR ANYTHING! Yes, sometimes we fall into his trap, but thank God He is there to help us out! Has satan set a trap for us at anytime? It might not have been as great as Jimmy Swaggart but we still had a fight on our hands! So we who without sin CAST THE FIRST STONE! Let us cleanse our minds and leave everything to God! Jimmy Swaggart Ministries is doing a GREAT WORK FOR THE LORD!! Have we win a soul for Christ lately?
Deletei was saved as a result of the sonlife network. i put no faith in the man, or any other preacher for that matter. he has spent his entire life working to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, and i have no doubt thousands of people have come to Christ because of his teachings...if not many more. he quotes scripture from The Bible, and then he teaches on his idea of what it means...which is what any preacher does. anyone can pick up The Bible daily and read for themselves...not like the truth is hidden from us. let the man do his work. a sinner comes to Christ by hearing The Word and crying out for Him. after that initial experience, The Lord is perfectly capable of guiding that person where He would like them to be. some of the greatest men of God in The Bible had serious sin in their lives, and it was made very clear. i doubt you really feel any of those men are in hell right now. we all sin, and none of us are anywhere near perfect. God will be the judge, and i don't think he needs any help from you. spend your time spreading His Word instead of bashing your brother.
ReplyDeleteAmen! Well said!
Deleteyou are the first one I have read that said what needed to be said. Do not put your faith in any Man. God expects us to keep our faith in Him. I also watched Jimmy when he fell. He fell off the petestal where man had put him. Because he is a sinner saved by grace. Thank God they teach the bible.
DeleteAll have sinned, even those making comments about others. I don't see it! Let's give Grace and mercy a chance and let's stop playing God. You don't know how u will end. It is easy to talk about someone else. God is able to pick us up again!!
Deletegod has a plan and jimmy is in that plan or he would not be here he is playing that part for god now so if god forgives so do i
ReplyDeleteJimmy should have taken his honky tonk piano and become a rock and roll star just like Jerry Lee.
ReplyDeleteif so then he would split hell wide open. Thats not gonna happen!!!
DeleteAs you read in the Bible, great men called by God sin and is forgiven of their sin. People, we all sin daily with our thoughts and actions. If you say you don't sin then you are a liar. Jimmy sinned and was forgiven. We should rejoice that His mercies are new every morning. If it weren't true then there are no Christians and we all are going to hell.
ReplyDeleteI've read comments by people who are angry toward Jimmy Swaggart.Those who display such anger had their faith misplaced.Too many people put their faith in Jimmy Swaggart and not in Jesus Christ.If you keep your eyes and faith in Christ, you won't see the obsticles that can keep you from the prize which is Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteWho are we to judge?
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your judgement, on a man of God.
ReplyDeleteYou need to re-read your bible..Who do you think you are !! God brought Pharoh and many more like him down.. Even a couple of his profets.. for disobeying him..If J.Swaggart is
preaching or doing wrong (God will bring him
down)You might have a vexed heart..Be careful
Wolves in sheeps clothing.. Are people who don't believe in God... Not men of God, who
ReplyDeletehas sinned...David was a man after God's own heart..He repented.. God forgave him..Which put him in right standing with God again.I'm glad you are not God.. You really need to repent.. Are you will get bitter & bitter..
God loves you to..If you commit one sin you
commit them all So God deals with us all..Even
God did forgive Satan;however, that did not stop David from having consequences from his sin. His son died, his kingdom for the rest of his life was filled with strife. As men we don't hold ultimate judgement;however, God does set standards for how our Pastors should be held to account. By the word of God, he is currently sinning by refusing to follow it. I believe his ministries appear to God's work, but perhaps to follow the word of God he should step down and give it over to his son.
DeleteI'sorry for reading this, may the Lord forgive me.
ReplyDeleteI can't judge anybody when I look upon the Cross and towards Jesus did for the humanity or the mankind.
I was shocked when I read all this..This whole web site, is very sinfull.. Thank you Luby..
ReplyDeleteTo all. That. Had a comment about Jimmy Swaggart, Judge ye not, that ye be not judged. God had his appointed time to deal with Jimmy Swaggart. God loves us all, regardless of our sins or transgressions. As long as we repent and ask forgiveness. Of our sins
Judge ye not, that ye be not judge. God said touch not my anointed. And do my Prophets. No harm, for vengeance. Is mine and I shall recompense. All sins can be forgiven if one repents and ask to be forgiven. ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE, KNOCK AND THE DOOR SHALL OPEN, SEEK SND YOU SHALL FIND.
ReplyDeleteI agree to not forgive someone is not the love of god. My son was murdered and I don't think I could have forgiven this soul had I not known my Lord. For God is Love. Remember bitter Soul he that hates his brother is like having murder in his heart.
ReplyDeleteI guess after all, Brother Jimmy is just a man,and has all the human tendencies that most male species have. I do not worship any particular faith,despite a christian family life, but I do believe that God judges us in life by how much he makes some suffer in death.
ReplyDeleteElsie Jamaica
ReplyDeleteI also listened to rev swaggert in the eighty's and was VERY glad that the lord has been blessing the church,There are always going to be pleased people I will not set myself to be judge ,This man and his family especially Donny they are such a blessing, I TAKE EVERY SUNDAY OFF TO PART TAKE IN THE SERVICE,They are touching lives and I THANK GOD FOR THEM,they help me to reach out to god in every way/ God bless and keep them there will always be detractors in this life/ Jesus was crucified and he did nothing but good,
See.we dont look. At.men. We.look. To God for.all. That. Is. What we. To do. Now. Jim has.dun but I cannot.be.God.I. Love him. As a brother God will take care of jim.
ReplyDeleteNot me.
Forgiveness is a vital part of being a Christian, the Lord told us how to pray in Matthews gospel, out of all that He said we should do Jesus only highlighted forgives, that if we don't forgive then God will not forgive us. We are not told that forgiveness depends on the response of the person we are forgiving, God forgave me when I first became a believer, and He has forgiven me many times since. Rather than being judgemental on someone else's behaviour look out for yourself that you are walking right before God.
DeleteThe Swaggart is the real deal. Ive been blessed by God thru their ministry. Their doctrine is flawless and are one of few ministries that Preaches The Cross. Please don't badmouth them, they are not a sect since you can come and go as you please. And they are not teaching anything that goes against the bible: read the bible, let the holy spirit teach you.
ReplyDeleteAll of them are working like 12+ hours every single day so they don't have time to live any luxurious lifestyle like The Benny Hinn types out there. God Bless them!!!
Dear Madam; I scanned through your website today, and found it to be a cloud without water. It contains no facts, merely a diversity of opinions. Surely this is not worth the trouble, for it contains no substance. God bless your attitude, but this effort is useless.
ReplyDeleteGod bless You
ReplyDeleteI have been a believer all my life. I have seen ministers have taken the word of god and peddle for gain and I have seen some fail but have repented and stayed humble.
I can't comprehend how people who are supposed to have christ as center of their hearts would even take the time to continue to bring down those who have repented.Where is the love of christ?? We are too pray for our brothers and sisters. Pray that you may not enter into temptation. And Yes we are too stand for truth but the bible saids that in the last days the love of many will grow cold and many will follow doctrines of demons. We are to pray for one another and correct those with love. God will judge each and everyone of us when we go before him face to face. We all have come short of the glory of God!!! Remember When God destroyed the cities of Sodom and Gomorroha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow making them an example unto those who after should live ungodly And delivered just lot. If God delivered him how much more now that we are in the dispensation of Grace? Brother swaggart is a man after God's heart. He did suffer consequences as a result of the sin But God has and is still restoring what the devil wanted to accomplish and that is to kill and stop the preaching and teaching of the word. God still Forgives and we should too. God Bless! :)
I watch Jimmy Swaggart every night! I am really blessed by his preachings and the worship! All I can say is that thousands of souls are being saved while listening to his preachings! If anyone of us is without sin then let them cast the first stone! The devil is mad because he knows that he tried to destroy Brother Swaggarts ministry, and he couldn't! So instead of talking bad about him pray for him that he will always be used by the Lord.
ReplyDeleteWe are all sinners and that is why Jesus died on the cross for us. Jimmy Swaggart is and has been very instrumental in bringing hundreds of thousands of people to Christ. If you repent from your sins, which I believe he has done, then he will go to heaven. He is only a man, not a god. Don't you believe in the power of the blood? No man is perfect or without sin, not even Christ's apostles who were hand picked to minister. Be careful judging Jimmy Swaggart, because no man knows another man's heart. If you want to be forgiven your sins then you must forgive others, also.
DeleteIf you chose not to follow him that is your business, but do not bear false witness against him. Instead, be a Christian and pray for him to do what Jesus has chosen him to do -- to convert as many non-believers as he can and to give counsel and guidance to fellow Christians.
I watch sbn every day and follow Jimmy's daily teachings as well as the current live services,love them all what a blesssing!! Yes I read all the junk some have posted but u don't have to watch and if u listen he lets u know u r not to worship him and really do u know what is n his heart? I am watching now!!
DeleteYa'll are scaring me.I believe in God but
Deleteam unable to go to church because I am raising my autistic Grandchild with a life threatening illness,So I watch
SLB Jimmy Swaggart on on TV.
Today 8/31/14 ,,,He preached ....being covered by the Blood of Christ ..and many came forward ....He had them pray a prayer "inviting Jesus into their hearts ,,and and told them they were covered by by the Blood of Christ which was a lie , The Blood of Christ is applied at baptism ,,,,Gal 3-26 You put on Christ in baptism ,,,,read all the verses on baptism and you will see , He let all those people walk out believing they had done what the gospel teaches to be saved , Read your Bibles ...don`t trust any man with your soul...
Deletesorry...you are VERY wrong...you need to read your bible again and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you the truth. I am sorry for you that you don't understand what the precious blood of Jesus has done for us.
DeleteThe question here is not whether Jimmy Swaggart is forgiven or not but should he continue to preach the gospel after such a sin. I know people say David sinned pretty bad and God forgave him but David was not a preacher of the gospel. He was a king. He continued to be the king and that was God's will. If a preacher Commits gross sin should he be able to walk back into his church and preach as if nothing happened. We're hearing on the news every day of pastors of big churches having sex with young men and young women in their church. Should this pastor be allowed to pastor that church or any church when they used their position and intimidation to harass young people into having sex with them? What would cause us to trust them again? I really have respect for Bro. Swaggart and love his preaching but where do we draw the line? What does the bible say? Are we good stewards of the word of God if we don't do what it says? Will God hold us accountable? We don't have to be mean or hateful in any way to do what God would have us to do. We can do things in love without hurting people. I believe as others that Jimmy Swaggart is used by God but I'm fearful of allowing shepherds to harm their sheep just because they're in a position to do so. I believe it grieves the heart of God.
ReplyDeleteJesus calls us to forgive Jimmy Swaggert. I forgive him. He is only a man although some may have made him out to be an idol. Their faith should have been in the Lord Jesus Christ to begin with. But we are not required to accept him for what he claims to be.
ReplyDeleteWhy Jimmy Swaggart's "Message Of The Cross" is not the Message of the Bible.
We have all sinned and who are we to cast any stones at Jimmy Swaggart. David in the Bible did worse and God forgave him. I believe Jimmy Swaggart truly repented and may God bless his ministry which God called him to.
ReplyDeleteStill to this day if you would listen to his singing the touch of the Holy Spirit will be there and you will feel Jesus tug at your heart.Is there any difference from JSM than other mega ministries working? Look around, these mega ministers are some of the wealthiest people on the planet, I minister in a third world country and trust me, most of the support they say they send here never shows up, but, people still support them......
ReplyDeleteThe Bible says all sin and fall short. I don't know many pastors or people who openly repent of their sin Jimmy did not need to do this. Sin will trip you up over and over and when you think you have conquered one area here comes another. Until you walk in the shoes of another it is best to leave the judgement to the almighty God. Love the person hate the sin.
DeleteIt says in James if we are guilty of one sin we are guilty of all sins, gossip is a sin. To gossip can also mean speaking the truth in a destructive way. Lets love Jesus and ask him to forgive us and help us overcome our own sin.
ReplyDeleteIn His Grip
WE are to keep our eyes on the things of GOD, not on the things of man. JESUS CHRIST is:THE WAY,THE TRUTH & THE LIFE. I will not judge others,because I have been there,words can cut like a knife. You will then be the one being judge by GOD.
ReplyDeleteHello. Jimmy preaches "Jesus Christ and him crucified". This is false teaching. When Jesus was executed, his preachings, his teachings, his healings and in fact his manifest love of his followers ended..... forever. Jimmy does NOT even believe in God in my opinion- Later
ReplyDeleteBrother Swaggart and his family live in the lap of luxury while their employees dont even get medical and dental benefits. Evidently, the Swaggarts bully and abuse those unfortunate enough to work for them. This (JSM) ministry has turned more people away from Christianity and, if you believe it, sent to hell than any organization in the history of our religion
ReplyDeleteI was employed by very wealthy attorneys for many years. I was bullied, underpaid and had no health insurance. Despite their greediness and bias, I'm not sure they turned many people away from Christ. It made me pray to the Lord even more for comfort. It takes faith to know He would always provide for my family despite the many trials and tribulations I faced, and moral dilemmas I witnessed by the hands of my employers. It made me a stronger person and a more compassionate person. So forgive them if you feel you have been done wrong. Find another job if you find yourself dwelling on it so you can forgive them. I would hate to see you sent to hell because you refused to forgive another sinner like yourself. If there is any wrongdoing, God will be the one to Judge and take revenge. If Swaggart offends you, then do not follow him but it is not your place to judge him. Forgive, repent and move on before the hate you spew eats you alive.
DeleteSwaggart's "Message Of The Cross" is not the message of the Bible.
ReplyDeleteHow can anyone expect he and his cadre to understand what the Bible teaches when they so totally warp what the Scriptures teach about the role of the Cross in the role of the Christian?
Don't believe me? Read and understand ..
THE MESSAGE OF THE CROSS according to Brother Swaggart FAILS to be explained in human language by God's Holy Evangelist. Jimmy talks in circles without really saying ANYTHING. This comeback by Jerry Lee's evil cousin is only to raise $$$MOOLAH$$$$so Jimmy can get a bigger mansion.Its funny that Swaggart's commentary in his Expositor's Study "Bible" is written in RED INK. This means Swaggart thinks his commentary is MORE IMPORTANT THAN WHAT JESUS SAID.IF Jimmy wasnt a meglomaniac he may have chosen blue or any other color.... but NOT RED... This really is blasphemy!!!! I believe JS is giving the Body of Christ ONE FINAL SPIRITUAL RAPE to prove to himself that millions of inner city, uneducated people will always flock to his musings-BYE
ReplyDeleteI didnt know how bad this situation was. IN Jesus' Name may a curse come upon THIS MINISTRY for fleecing the flock of God. Amen
ReplyDeleteHI, my name is William H. I recently paid $125 for the signature addition of The Expositor's study Bible.J. Swaggart uses the term "The Cross" ad nauseum. I mean thousands and thousands of times when The Word is clearly NOT TALKING about the Cross!!!Also, my great-grandfather was one of the world's biggest atheists and, even he, would tell you he believed in "Christ Crucified" which is Jimmy's other blind chant.What about the Resurrection, Brother Swaggart?????Ive been using the pages of this book(written by a high school DROPOUT, by the way) as TOILET PAPER and to all reading this, PLEASE dont waste your time and MONEY on this piece of GARBAGE
ReplyDeleteMy name is William H. I recently paid $125 for the Signature Edition of The Expositors Study Bible. Jimmy uses the term "The Cross" ad nauseum I mean that term is used THOUSANDS OF TIMES in this sappy pathetic work. The other term used OVER AND OVER is "Christ Crucified". Now, my great grandfather was one of the world's biggest atheists and even he would admit to believing in Jesus' crucifixion. What about the resurrection? hello Jimmy????I have began using the pages of this book as toilet paper-Peace
ReplyDeleteI heard DONNIE is getting a huge 6 figure salary and his mansion is almost as big as Jimmy's. Donnie can't preach, he can't teach, he can't play the piano, he can't sing and he certainly can't write books. I dont know why Jimmy is protecting him... from the scrutiny he will face when Brother Jimmy goes home to be with the Lord. GABRIEL at least has a little promise as the future of JSM
ReplyDeleteI always looked up to Pat Robertson as a man of God. The other day online, I watched a man "coach" Pat as to what to say and how to say it during the '88 pres. Republican race. When I found Pat was a complete phoney, I was very disappointed.Pat BLAMED Swaggart's and Jim Baker's scandals being overly publicized to make HIM look bad..
ReplyDeleteRemember that although Swaggart repented for his first whore misadventure, the next time he gravely SINNED with another Prostitute he told his congrgation that God told him to tell them that it was "flat none of your buisiness".Swaggart got pulled over AGAIN in the red light district about 8 years later in a major US city. Why does Francis put up with THIS????? maybee she's afraid of Jimmy's attorneys putting her out on the street!!! Jimmy is NOT trying to live for God. Jimmy hasnt changed at all since he first GOT CAUGHT, he's NOT SORRY, he still is addicted to pornography, living a lie etc. unless his advancing age has given him E.D., Jimmy still has his eyes on prostitutes 40-50 years younger than his wife. Jimmy wont come clean with us so we should dismiss him as another liar filled with iniquitity whose only reason for living is to acquire more wealth from people who wont look Jimmy squarely in his aversive eyes. The ONLY thing Jimmy is actually GIFTED IN is being a professional beggar
PLEASE listen anyone with treatable, curable cancer. If you go to a religious service and the pastor/minister/evangelist tells you you're cured, the following scenario ALWAYS HAPPENS!!!!!!!!! The cancer spreads to other parts of the body becoming TERMINAL and then the person with the "healing" ends up in the morgue. JSM has bragged about it's "healings". DONT ever take someone like Swaggart's word over that of you're M.D.-Gabe
ReplyDeleteId just like to talk about Swaggart's ministry as of Nov. 2012. J Swaggart's constant, consistent message as of now is "We preach Jesus Christ and him crucified". I now am starting to see why most real christians cringe at this mantra of his. With his story of Jesus, by his own words ending at the crucifixion, we are now dealing with a dead Jesus Christ... a dead deity. With Jesus (God) dead, Jimmy's abominable sins, lies and deceptions will go UNPUNISHED. As long as he gets his WHOREMONGERING past Frances, Jimmy is GOLDEN. But, many of us who've googled Jimmy Swaggart know his sins go way beyond that... Shady land deals, indimidation,allowing his publishing corporation to print "gangster rap" album covers and lesbian bar wine lists, Swaggart has got to the point where anything goes... With a dead Jesus Christ, J. Swaggart is becoming a CLONE of Jim Jones. Jimmy might as well jump up and down on a Bible like Jones did. JSM is now almost universally becoming known as A CULT. JImmy's employees are nothing but PUPPETS trying to keep their jobs. This out of control, mind numbing "ministry" looks like it will IMPLODE for the final time with mass suicides or government raids on those who will stand by Swaggart till the end. Just consider this as well... SONLIFE broadcasting (aka. JSM) is now on 24/7, exactly the same schedule that a speeded out Jim Jones had in his final days. ITs true that the Family Worship Center will never be filled with 5,000 worshippers every (or any)Sunday again. The couple hundred that keep coming are in a seriously dangerous cultic train wreck waiting to happen. God have mercy on the misled and the innocent.....As weve just disgussed, with a DEAD JESUS(him and him crucified), Jimmy, in his own mind IS GOD. I just pray that he goes off the air due to his charasmatic decline and doesn't take too many poor folks to the lake of fire
ReplyDeleteSomeone please relay this info to Brother Swaggart: James and Betty Robison are on the warpath. The hosts of Life Today are furious that Jimmy Swaggart claims they're not of God. They feel that they are sufficently preaching The Cross of Jesus Christ and him crucified. There is something else I heard too. Donnie and Jimmy don't believe women like Betty Robison should be on TV, in the pulpit, even if she's sharing time with her husband , James. These millionaire televangelists are getting more petty and egotistical all the time. I know that in a fight, James Robison would beat the living crap out of Brother Swaggart any day- (yours in Christ, Ralph K.)
ReplyDeleteDonny used to guard Jimmy against writers of Christian magazines. Dr. Mike Murdock and The Wisdom Center produce countless magazines, books, tracts,tapes, CDs, DVDs and the like. Dr. Murdock has heard Donny's catcalls calling Mike a "prosperity pimp" and Murdock, a hulking, musclebound bass baritone preacher isn't going to just sit back and be a receiver of any kind of abuse from anyone, especially Donny. Murdock also has Cesna Jets, exotic animals and plenty of money. Donny might have to step up to the plate and face Mike as a man. Robert Tilton, another of Donny's so called prosperity pimps, has been working out too. Donny isnt half as built as Tilton and probably is 7 inches shorter. Donny's speeches might end up costing him a few lost teeth and 2 embarassing black eyes. On the other hand, Donny can at least keep up some dignity by trashing Benny Hinn. Benny is a small effeminate man that even Donny could handle. All of these comments on Men of God who preach God's will of abundance, are Donny's way of self-inflation. Donny wouldn't even know what to say about anything if Jimmy wasn't constantly showing him cue- cards and browbeating him to the point where he no longer has an ego. Donny has been waiting to take over the ministry for 24 years now and Jimmy will never commit airtime suicide by allowing Donny to do anything significant on radio or TV. I almost feel BAD for Donny except that his greed for the control of the ministry makes him difficult to sympathize with. If Donny's father weren't Jimmy Swaggart, he'd be working in a factory making minimum wage and living in Blue Bonnet Towers.
ReplyDeleteThis is a comment on Swaggart's song 'Jesus on the Mainline'. The opening lyrics are "Jesus on the maaaain line, tell him what you want". The wording on the song is a diabolical, heretical poke at God as santa claus mixed with drug slang. Tell Jesus what you want?? OK, Santa, I wanna $4.25 million mansion...Please
ReplyDelete"On the main line" is what heroin addicts refer to when they're talking about shooting hard drugs into their veins. The "main line" is the heroin and/or cocaine trasferring from syringe to blood vessel.
Swaggart's cold reference to deadly drug addiction indicates the kind of guy he really is. Most prostitutes know this kind of life and know it well. Swaggart has been "caught" at least THREE TIMES OVER an aproximately 10 year span with these whores. These ladies usually have heroin and cocaine addictions and people like Jimmy fund their lifestyles. What about the SOULS of these young, troubled, addicted girls, Jimmy?? After they obey you're sick, twisted. perverted orders for pornographic acts, and you hand them $25, what then? THESE GIRLS ARE DYING JIMMY, AND YOU'RE SENDING THEM TO THE PIT OF HELL!!!
Ive known some people who've employed prostitutes before. Even these desperados give them a ride home or a warm couch to sleep on when they're done using them!JIMMY, I heard you tell them to get the Fing hell out of your car when YOU'RE FINISHED!!!!!
My final point is Frances. Does Frances deserve to risk STDs, including herpes and AIDS everytime youre with her, Jimmy????Maybe, and hopefully, Frances lives WITHOUT LOVE!!!!!!!BECAUSE OF YOU!!!!!!JIMMY!!!!!!you human garbage disposal!!!!!!!!!
The song "Jesus on the main line" may have gone well for your wallet in Nashville, Jimmy, but you can't fool everyone.
Even in the heyday of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries from '81-about early '88, it was never really hip to admit your family watched his telecast. My family did watch him. They watched "A Study in the Word" every day. They listened to Jimmy verbally overwhelm all his 'guests' and 'panelists' on the forementioned program and, in front of their eyes, become America's preeminant televangelist. Swaggart sent my parents cassette tapes asking for money. His reasoning was that he knew SOULS were at stake. He said God had put him in charge of millions of people's eternities because he had the ANNOITING of the Lord.
ReplyDeleteIn the '80s, Jimmy Swaggart's roving 'crusades' filled countless auditoriums and coliseums. With average attendance ratings in the tens of thousands, you could safely say that 3-5 thousand 'decisions for Christ' were up in the air every afternoon or evening. Jimmy was the high priest of salvation and he was comfortable telling people who weren't living right to come to the front and accept Jesus as their personal saviour.
The ministry was active and mobile. A reasonable estimate would have been about 50 crusade stadium sell outs a year. 50 meetings, with a conservative guess of 3,000 new names in the Lamb's Book of Life each meeting. That would have Jimmy winning(or losing) 150,000 souls per year just in the altar calls of his crusade events. Over the eight years of his heyday, Swaggart toured the globe over and over and SAVED about 1.2 million people from the gates of eternal hell(and that's just in the civic centers). Many times as many were surely being SAVED on his weekly telecasts!
In February 1988, a pastor named Marvin Gorman found out from an unnamed source that Brother Swaggart was involved with a prostitute. Mr. Gorman had recently been targeted by Swaggart in an ethics adultery accusation. Gorman was still smarting from Jimmy's taunting, public display of something less than christian-like love and now had PRIVEY INFO.
The next thing that happened, besides Gorman's $90 million defamation suit against Jimmy, was the infamous "I have sinned" speech. J Swaggart REOFFENDED in '91, getting pulled over with another prostitute, ending forever his worldwide crusading campaign.
In terms of SOULS.... JSM has now been responsible for 150,000 per year for 24 years, missing out on the gift of heaven.. That's 3.6 million SOULS lost because of Swaggart's SELFISH sexual sins.
The truth about the people lost goes way beyond the live crusade estimates. The folks who had been given a saving knowelege of Jesus Christ by Jimmy's ministry now had to REEXAMINE their beliefs. If Brother Swaggart couldn't even COME CLOSE TO living the life of a saved man, how could anyone he had converted do it?
The amount of souls lost due to Jimmy Swaggart's perversions certainly number in the TENS OF MILLIONS when you take everything into consideration. JSM was the behind-the-scenes source of fundamentalistic politics for the Reagan era. When a girl in my Biology class yelled at our teacher for teaching us the 'lie of evolution' in 1986, the source of her indignation had been SWAGGART! After Jimmy's exposure as a fraud, morals in our country went south quickly.
WE trusted Swaggart with our political, social and emotional lives and he violated us. No matter what he tries in any of his comeback attempts, the damage has been done. The worst thing probably is that a childlike, innocent faith in Jesus Christ, socially idealized in the '80s, is no longer socially acceptable. Swaggart, more than anyone else, is to blame for the collapse of serious Christianity in America.
Swaggart is not your prototypical money grubbing televangelist. Sure Jimmy loves his money and is practically DROWNING in it, but that's not #1 in his 'book'. Jimmy could have counted his losses, sold out, tucked his tail and run 20 years ago, after his ministry came tumbling down from personal indiscretions with prostitutes. Jimmy held on, not really believing he'd get RICHER, for the followi
ReplyDeleteng reasons.
#1.Family Worship Center is totally and completely run BY HIM. Its practically a temple TO HIM. Its the ultimate prize for a guy who grew up in abject POVERTY and who needs constant REASSURING every moment of his life.
#2 Jimmy wants to show off HIS skills as a musician and preacher, even though those abilities are going downhill so fast that he soon will be OBSOLETE in his own building.
#3. Any ministry buisness that he finds boring or unimportant can be handed off to FRANCES or DONNIE, who are HIS closest kin.
#4 Jimmy couldn't handle sitting around on Malibu beach all day counting his money like Benny Hinn or Robert Tilton... Jimmy knows he's got all sorts of TALENTS, and he promised HIMSELF years ago he'd never WASTE them.
#5 Brother Swaggart knows he's in the sunset of his life, and the slight HOPE he maintains in going Global one more time gives him the thrill he needs every day.
#6. Jimmy ABSOLUTELY LIVES FOR putting human beings under his feet in any possible way and being THE visible leader of JSM enables him to continually do this.
#7. Jimmy has no confidence in his only child, Donnie, in perpetuating the ministry after Jimmy breathes his last.
Swaggart truly is one of a kind...for all the WRONG reasons
To the people who forgive Jimmy Swaggart for his iniquities:
ReplyDeleteThink about what would happen to the Pope if he did what Jimmy did, even one time. He would have got caught. The cardinals would have defrocked him and sent him to a sexual treatment center . At that facility, Benedict would have to coexist every day with pedophile and homosexual priests. His sorrow could end up dominating his thoughts for the rest of his life.
When Jimmy first got in serious trouble, his 'mother' church, The Assemblies of God, ordered him into councelling and a 2 year probationary period where he would have to relinquish preaching. I still remember Swaggart boarding a huge luxury jet reading from a prepared statement. He would not be getting councelling. He would rest a few weeks and go back to FWC as Pastor. His attorney advised him that he was at liberty to do this. His attorney???Why would a man of God need a professional liar? aka attorney? I knew criminals needed attorneys at the time, and that pretty much was it. His prepared stat ement was obviously written by his lawyer, and Jimmy was going to defy his church with all the arrogance we know he has.
The people expected we'd be stuck with Donnie being the sub for Jimmy on the telecast. Donnie was, failed the test, and an emotionally drained Jimmy told us that to prevent millions from going to hell, he'd soon be back in the pulpit. He then announced that the ministry was dropping out of the Assemblies of God denomination. Jimmy was now independent and no longer answered to anyone.
3 Years later, The Jimmy Swaggart Telecast was back on the air in my home. The 'new' Jimmy Swaggart wanted us to send in $100 for a 'personally' signed book called The Cup which my Father hath Given Me. In the book Swaggart compared himself to Jesus and told us Satan had forced him to sin, but only 1 place 1 time. Jimmy had found his solution in The Word and he was washed in the blood and totally forgiven. 6 days later Swaggart got pulled over again, with another prostitute. His addiction to pornography and street walkers had resurfaced . 1 week later his show went back off the air.
Jimmy was proud that he'd defeated a sex problem without professional psychiatric help and only The Bible to guide him. This turned out to be a lie. The problem is that the Word of God, good as it is, does not address step by step solutions to addiction to porn and whores. Had Jimmy received professional help, he may have saved his family further embarrassment and become a worldwide preacher again.
JS now claims that in 1997, about the time of his last run in with the law, GOD had given him a new message based on Romans 6-8 called The Message of the Cross. The message tells us that if we believe in Jesus and what he did for us at Calvary, we can and will defeat sin, Satan and the flesh. We're told the Holy Spirit directs this process, if we'll only believe in Jesus Christ and him crucified, we Will live in victory. I really hate to say this, but having faith in The Cross and it exclusivey, as Swaggart purports, doesnt heal anyone from sex perversions any more than it cures terminal lung cancer. Im not saying psychiatry could have cured Jimmy. If councelling and or medication didnt work for him, for the sake of Jesus Christ, he could've become Chemically Castrated. Frances at least wouldnt have to be so damned ashamed everytime she sits next to him in church.
3 weeks ago I was in a terrible situation. I was in the hospital, half dead and suffering greatly. Remembering what Rev. Swaggart had preached about putting all of my faith in The Cross, I did it. I went into a delireum after I realized how impersonal Jimmy's god is. Jesus Christ Crucified doesn't bring pleasant images up in one's mind.
ReplyDeleteAfter a Catholic Nun prayed with me to a Living God, I got healed and comforted. The Catholic Nun helped me a thousand times more than Brother Swaggart's teachings!
Hal Lindsey prophisized 30 years ago Jimmy was no good for the body of Christ
ReplyDeleteThere is a new deception going on at Family Worship Center, home of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, starting a month ago. The ministry has started PLANTING people in the congregation who, on cue, begin RANTING IN TONGUES. This is followed (twice by Jimmy,once by Gabe) by the commandment of the above people for an INTERPRETATION. The interpretation is always a financial prosperity message promising the faithful that if they give to JSM, God will rebuke the devourer, and make them financially wealthy.
ReplyDeleteAfter this staged event is complete, Jimmy quietly says "thank you Jesus" and the auditorium erupts with applause.
This is a sickening example of a mind numbing, hell creating cult. In any population, a certain number of individuals with psychological problems or addiction issues, will follow any religious figure that has a thing called charisma. Jimmy has this rare trait. Its gone way down since the 80s but, Jimmy's sermons are still entertaining. Charasmatic people find out at an early age they can, if they so choose, manipulate others. Brother Swaggart knows this situation. He also knows this situation's prime focus :$finances$ (mainly from demented people). If his personality leads a few millionaires to put The Ministry in their wills.... well Jimmy gets rich, very rich. This Sonlife TV network should not be allowed on TV due to Human Rights Violations. Cursed is this ministry
Jimmy Swaggart sins, often grieviously, chronically, and at times, examines himself. His sin as he looks it in the face doesn't bother him one bit. He pulls himself together and sins and sins some more.
ReplyDeleteDammit! You essay writers in here stop giving this man ATTENTION!
ReplyDeleteSorry some of you people are so hurt , I suggest you not watch JSM . God does still use these people . Key words "God uses People" . I prefer to watch very few other Ministry programs . I believe this to be good old fashioned Pentecostal church , bible based and Spirit lead . So many others have strayed away into doctrines of devils and every other winds of doctrines . I have been blessed and have learned so much by tuning in to JSM .Let's pray for Gods servants and keep our own hearts pure to God .
ReplyDeleteWow! Such venom being spewed against a forgiven child of God! We all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God! Stop scuba diving and bringing up past transgressions. If God forgot and forgave, we should do the same. If you don't believe in what he preaches, you have the God given free choice to reject it and believe what you will. This ministry has blesses so many people and millions have been saved and set free from the bondage of sin. If more preachers would tell the truth then we wouldn't have so many defeated saints. So whoever started this discussion, may God not charge this to you and forgive you for you know not what you do. Touch not God's anointed and do His prophet no harm. Listen to the message of the Cross and be delivered and set free! May God richly bless His true church.
ReplyDeleteAll of my life i've believed we must automatically forgive anyone that sins against
ReplyDeleteus no matter how evil they have been or how much they have hurt or destroyed our lives but interestingly enough look at what Jesus says
in Luke 17:3 - I am sharing two different
translations but the King James says exactly
the same thing "Guard your souls. If your brother should sin, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him.”
GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)
So watch yourselves! "If a believer sins, correct him. If he changes the way he thinks and acts, forgive him"
Here that forgiveness hangs on something..that
is repentance. That also means that
forgiveness is not unconditional. Jesus also
goes on to say that if he sins against you
7 times and repents, that "you must forgive
I think what we really asking about this
"ministry" is have the fruits of repentance
been brought forth...really?!
It says 70x7get it right if u want to throw the Word Of God through some knolage u think u have u are puffed up & being used by the enemy of your soul, The accuser of the Brothern. Now abideth faith, hope, & love the greatest is love. True faith only works by love & My Lord Jesus Christ is greater, & works mighty in & through Bro. Jimmy Sis. Francis. Find out were you are spiritualy! out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, life & death are in the power of the toung & he who loves it will eat the fruit, seems u speak a lot of death Jesus came to give life, HE came not to condemn, if u are looking for a standard, Then look to only JESUS even Paul said follow me as I fallow Christ. I thank my God who is Jesus, for all the blessing of truth that JSM have spoken to myself & my family & Church World wide.They preach truth, u no little about, how do I now this is because the Word of GOD says my Sheep hear my voice & so I say check yourself & see if u are in the faith. This is all the time I will ever spend because their is real souls in need of love & the Good News not old dead words you will be in my prayers & to all that read this send $ to JSM for Bibles the WORD of GOD is powerful, it is living, it is like a fire, it is like a hammer, it is milk & meat for your spirit & soul their is no problem that the Bible does not address. It is a love letter from a loving Father, expressed by his Word being made known in the body of JESUS CHRIST our SAVIOUR, when we are born again by the seed of His WORD, (JESUS) the Holy Spirit lead us to all Truth (JESUS) this is all done through the cross of JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. JESUS BEGUN & HE IS WELL ABEL TO FINISH WHAT HE STARTED. THE OTHER & FINISHED OF OUR FAITH. JESUS MY BLESSED HOPE, HE IS COMING FOR THOSE WHO ARE LOOKING FOR HIM. LOOK TO JESUS
ReplyDeleteAmen brother! The Swaggarts are a blessing and may God have mercy on the soul that started this evil against this ministry. The author of this evil is unknowingly being used by Satan and my prayer is that her eyes are opened and she repents before it's too late.
DeleteKing David was a murderer and adulter so get over your judgmental selves!!! The Swaggarts are the very FEW who know what they are talking about!!!!!!!!!!!! This stupid site is under his feet!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteCheck out www.1stbookofmichael.com and figure out whose feet the Swaggarts are really under... for starters Paul was completely wrong in saying women are to be silent and that he would not even stoop to teaching a woman...
DeleteYES I AM HERE AND FIND ALL THESE COMMENTS AMAZING. i LIVE IN JAMAICA AND I DO NOT KNOW THE SWAGGARTS LIFESTYLE are any of you living with them the swaggarts Listen I do not believe jimmy or Donnie to be fakes so I as an educated won=man am very proud to contribute to them the programs are a blessing and may keep on walking and when the devil try to detract them i say shut your ears and run . deliverance will come god will always bless jimmy swaggart.
ReplyDeleteThe Revelation of Jesus Christ - The word Αποκαλυψις, from which we have our word Apocalypse, signifies literally, a revelation, or discovery of what was concealed or hidden. It is here said that this revelation, or discovery of hidden things, was given by God to Jesus Christ.
DeleteNow we go to "The Revelation of the Cross" as given to Jimmy Swaggart by God. Can any of you tell me what that revelation is? If you say it's in the Bible, then it's no revelation at all, is it? Then to say it's a "revelation from God" would be a lie, wouldn't it? Do you defend liars?
If, on the other hand, you say that indeed he received a new, heretofore unrevealed word of God, by what possible standard could you measure the truthfulness of it? Rather, he just adds himself to a long list of revelation claimers like Ellen White, Mohammed, Joseph Smith etc.
Please be careful for as Paul says: 2Cor2:17 For we are not as many, which corrupt the word of God: but as of sincerity, but as of God, in the sight of God speak we in Christ
Jimmy Swaggart's dog and pony show lives on!!! I was watching December's "share a thon" and according to what happened in October and November, I was going to get some entertainment watching the ministry fall on it's face even further financially. In November the ministry came up almost a $million$ short on TV time donations. I called the ministry phone number and they informed me the Swaggarts were going to start going off the air.
ReplyDeleteIt now is March 2013 and Im facing something Ive always known about but never realized was so extensive. Many people are groping and desperate and will even pay someone like Jimmy for false cures of terminal cancers and family salvation failures.
The ' message of the cross' is still foolish, unscriptual, and a waste of people's time. Jesus was sent to the cross because he initiated a riot in the Jewish temple as he flipped over the money changers' tables. Once Jesus did this his life was as good as over. Its true Jesus believed that his death would benefit mankind somehow, but as he said on that cross "my Lord, my Lord why have you foresaken me?" he must've had some lingering doubts.
The story of The Resurrection is the only redeeming spinoff of The Cross and the embarassment of it all. Jimmy Swaggart does not preach the resurrection. At times he says it isnt in doubt yet he almost never mentions it EVEN ON EASTER SUNDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!
Donny once said that a common tool of the orator is to say something is or isnt true and then immediately contradict yourself. Jimmy does this every time he talks on the Resurrection. Jimmy's complete emphasis on The Cross proves he no longer or has never believed in the main idea of Christianity (ie Jesus being raised from the dead according to Romans 10 :10)
Jimmy's network features painfully inadequate teachings and the music is atrocious. Loren Larson, one of Jimmy's sidekicks, has 2 children making a living singing at family Worship center. They would be much better off being phone solictors for Swaggart. They can't sing if their lives' depended on it. Brother Swaggart at one time could play the piano reasonably well but even that has completely evaporated.
All in all, anyone reading this should realize that watching JSM or sending in money to this louse is your own personal flaw and you'd better really look at yourself in the mirror for God's sakes
sounds like you have it all under control. but you are either not a believer,or you are a back slider. I see it every time even in my own life.when we talk like this we are letting the devil play with our minds.or we do not have any knowledge of gods word at all and just running our mouths. when you talk about him , look in the mirror, have you done what that man has done for over 50 years for getting the gospel to so many so many live changed and people saved from hell. have you done that I think not, he loves god and is 79 years old and doing more work than you have in all your life. so look back in the mirror and you will see 50 fingers pointed at you. jesus will ask you what have you done for seeing people saved.have you done his work .I think by the way your heart speaks you have done not 1 thing. so go back in your closet or get saved by the blood of jesus and get in the family of god and speak good for his people. pray for the ones that have problems cause you will too one day. and you will hope there is a Christian around to pray and help your hurting heart someday. so next time bit your lip and pray for others because you will be hurting some day.i hope you are a Christian. but your voice don't seem that way. ask the lord to forgive you of your sins clean you heart up. get saved if you or not right and you will find a life that you never could ever dream. the negative additude will start to change and god will put a love in your heart.and will want to help uplift other Christians read your bible and start a pray life and mean it in your heart and god will work . and one day you will look at yourself and say I have a blessed life ,what was wrong with me all those lost years behind me.and walk in the newness of life in Christ jesus.
ReplyDeleteI have been out of this 'room' by reason of mouse failure for about 3 months. ALL the objections I have against Swaggart have yet to have been addressed by any of you! Jimmy's twisted version of Christianity renders many of us defenseless in the realm of legitimate philosophy and yes, in some cases, curses people with ideas that just aren't true. These feeble attempts to get the Swaggart Ministries their 'just' defense are SONLIFE's (ie Donnie, Frances and Gabe's) paid presentations of DAMAGE CONTROL!!!!!!
Obviously Swaggart's ministry is at the bottom of the slime barrel, yet there are other TV/radio 'ministries' that are bound to harm people. Here is an ad lib group of other ethics violators.
ReplyDelete1. DR. Mike Murdock
2. Benny Hinn
3.Joyce Meyer. Joyce has built mansions for all close family members. Joyce is really all about mind control. Joyce claims that we should repress our emotions and stay in touch with her by purchasing an endless supply of mind numbing CDs and DVDs.
4. Richard Roberts - The false television healer.( If you have incurable CANCER, you can send RICHARD a thousand dollars for his prayers). If the cosmic dice roll your way, you'll beat it.
5. Robert Tilton
6.Dr. Frederick KC Price. Freddie will award you with a 'document' for you're level of FAITH. 100 dollars you're a member of the BRONZE family. 500 for silver, and a grand to be a GOLD FAITH LEVEL PARTNER!
7. End Times Ministry with Dr. Baxter. Read Matt. 24 fifty times a day every day and you'll get the drift of this organization. "There will be EARTHQUAKES and PESTILENCES in diverse places". Yada Yada Yada
8.The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews. Rabbi Eckstein solicits money for down and out Russian and Israeli Jews by accusing CHRISTIANS (especially very old and with a guilty conscience) of The Holocaust.
9. TBN and the Crouches-the ultimate wimps of televangelism.
10. Discovering the Jewish Jesus with Rabbi Kurt Schneider. This fellow is shockingly EVIL. He preys on Christians who want to be buddy buddy with Jews. The man uses FEAR against his viewers, especially the FEARS of DEATH, GOING INTO A NURSING HOME etc. etc.
11. Marcus and Joni Lamb
12. Dr. Todd Coontz. Anyone who gives to this guy's ministry should be forced to undergo electroshock therapy.
13. Dr. Bill Winston
14. TD Jakes. How someone can make tens of millions of dollars without ever delivering a MESSAGE is beyond me. TD hypes things up with EMOTION without saying, really... anything.
15. Marilyn Hickey and her daughter Sarah
16. Life Today with James and Betty Robison. These two seem acceptable enough except they've flown under the radar of FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY for decades. If you send them money for digging wells in Africa and don't specify EXACTLY THAT, they'll use it for the 'best interests of the ministry', which means they'll pocket it.
17. Perry Stone. I used to like Perry until he ran out of new material and became a 'Word of Faith' beggar.
18. Bob Larson
19. Believer's Voice of Victory with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Name it and claim it. These frauds tell us to avoid medical doctors. Many people have DIED from initially CURABLE CANCER because of this 'ministry'.
20. Morris Cerullo. Morris gets followers by endlessly talking about SATAN. After Morris tells us about the wiles of the devil, he'll give us the cure. Send in some cash or buy a SPIRITUAL WARFARE Bible, and Morris will REBUKE THE DEVOURER for us!
21. David Cerullo. David uses his INSP network to get financial pledges in exchange for FAMILY SALVATION or HEALINGS. David gets even more money by simultaniously using secular commercials. Also, David preaches Bible Prosperity, which simply means that if you send in a large $gift, God will reimburse you 30,60 or even 100 FOLD FINANCIALLY! Hallalujuh!
22. 'Destined to Reign' with Joseph Prince
23. Hal Lindsey. This dude has been preaching on the imminent RAPTURE of the Church for 40 something years, having specific DATES come and go without the trump sounding. Also Hal's had about 8 wives.
24. Jerry Falwell's survivors-namely one of his sons. Teaching 'Scientific Creationism' at an accredited University (Liberty) will prove to be an obstacle to many.
25. The Lion and the Lamb ministry
26. Tomorrow's World with the successors of Herbert W. Armstrong
27. "Christian Children's Fund".
Jimmy doesn't look so bad when you list all the other sinners. Ipray for him daily.
ReplyDeleteThere are more, yet I'm about exhausted on thinking up more of THEM. Most TV/ Radio ministries are shams. There are some good one's though.- Amen
ReplyDeleteAmen. Same my end. God bless the Swaggarts.
DeleteI believe that Jimmy Swaggart has done more harm to the gospel of Jesus Christ and him crucified on his program, "Message of the Cross", than the good he did many years ago when it was preached the simple, easy to understand version that even a small child could understand, as Jesus said, "Come and bide with me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light." "The Message of the Cross" he teaches is very confusing to believers, who were not al all confused before about their salvation and faith in what Christ did for them, If some fall away and lose their salvation as a result, the blood of those souls will be on his hands fbecause he made the simple and easy to understand gospel of Christ so difficult for them to understand. To continue this method of teaching is a benefit to Satan,,,not God.
Delete"For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"; "There is none righteous, no not one"
ReplyDeleteDo these scriptures mean anything to those claiming to be Christians? Yes, Jimmy has sinned but he repented and confessed his sins to the one person who is able to forgive him, God. To the owner(s) of this website: Who are you to judge? Jimmy Swaggart has changed millions of lives throughout the world through his sermons and music and continues to do so. He is the reason revival came to my country Papua New Guines back in the seventies and eighties. FOr most of ue here, Jimmy Swaggart is the only Gospel Preacher, Singer we've ever known. We love his music and sermons, regardless of what the world thinks of him. Christians should pray for those needing help, rather than coming out and destroying other people's lives.
God bless the Swaggarts and may their ministry continue to reach out and bless others.
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Its obvious that most people that have commented have no clue to the love of God... Remember Jesus did say " He that is without sin, cast the first stone ".... Jimmy Swaggert and his sin back in the 80's is no different than your sin of yesterday, but yet you believe God should have mercy on you but not him...? If thats truly how God was, why would anyone serve him if he choose favorites of who he would forgive and use... If anyone had discernment could see that God still uses Jimmy Swaggert as a vital tool in the ministry. So honestly if you have hard feelings toward him or cant forgive him because he is human and messed up, then God help you because God is the same to everyone. Plus the bible talks harshly about DO NOT TOUCH MINE ANOINTED and he is still anointed by God... Out of all the TV preachers, he is one of the few that allows God to use him...
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you sir; are on your way to hell in a hand basket! And don't doubt it for a minute! You think you are doing God's work?? Well you're not you are aback biter person causing dissension within the ranks of the churches. (Touch not mine anointed) he said pray for people not knock them down. An issue of grave concern for your soul sir; don't think I will ever call you brother!! Unless you repent of these grave character assassinations/and also you're gossiping you are doomed for hell and that's all I've got to say
ReplyDeleteyou sir; are on your way to hell in a hand basket! And don't doubt it for a minute! You think you are doing God's work?? Well you're not you are aback biter person causing dissension within the ranks of the churches. (Touch not mine anointed) he said pray for people not knock them down. An issue of grave concern for your soul sir; don't think I will ever call you brother!! Unless you repent of these grave character assassinations/and also you're gossiping you are doomed for hell and that's all I've got to say
ReplyDeleteMy family and I were kicked off the property for not getting our businesses heavy equipment out of a wharehouse we were renting from them fast enough. We were members of the church but they decided they were going to sell us out to put HOLLYWOOD SOUTH in the building. A building that was dedicated to the lord and is also caught up in litigation. they are not even supposed to be renting that building they are doing it illegally. They use the hatchet lady Hazel Semper to do their dirty work so they don't have to come down off their pedestals. I am disgusted I ever gave them any money or services from my business,. They still owe us $800
ReplyDeleteSo because he sinned I shouldn't listen to him preach? No where do it say a pastor is perfect when he becomes a pastoe
ReplyDeleteI have been watching the program off and on for two months now, and lately it has become deluged with sales advertisements, music and video CDs, Bibles and Bible commentaries, etc, that that take up a half or more of their entire program; then every month, the Share A Thon asking for almost four million dollars just for air time alone, plus Bible purchases for ministers in other countries, in the thousands of dollars, etc. When the donations or support for these sales begins to lag, they continue pressuring their members to give more and more until these faithful supporters who are made to feel guilty when not giving more, dig into their incomes, no matter how small, to send even more so that they can meet their goal; however, for the past few months, they have not reached their goal in the Share A Thon, so maybe their supporters are wising up. It is no secret that the salaries of their preachers for exceed the norm; I understand it is over 400 thousand a month! And when you read about the expensive homes and cars they own, not to mention the real estate, they are getting rich off the support of others! This is a shame, but someday, they will stand before God and confess to how they conned and swindled their members and TV viewers, some becoming media members. I do believe it has already started to happen, so we shall see how Share A Thon does this month.
ReplyDeleteWhatever wrongs have been committed by this religious group will be confessed before God one day, and they will be held accountable if unrepented of. It is too bad that so many are being used by such unscrupulous methods to support their high living standards when the money should be going for the Lord's work. I stopped watching them long ago! It didn't take long to know what they were all about,
ReplyDeleteI don't mind the Swaggarts. I agree God will judge. I actually desire the Body of Christ to be more like it is in the book of Acts where people helped each other out and shared with each other. It is sad that now people think it is communism to do what they did in the book of Acts. It would be nice if we as the Body of Christ would not see one part of the body of Christ as more special or important than another. Many people flock to big name pastors which is okay but ignore the person who goes to church with them each week. We need to value all in the Body of Christ. The world values one person above another but I don't think that is how God wants it to be. Everyone as a different calling and we all need each other. We forget that. I have to be careful not to judge or gossip about another ministry. We all sin and if what they are doing is wrong God will take care of it. Nobody is perfect and I'm sure any Christian had the spotlight there would be stuff about them that's not perfect.
ReplyDeleteIn the eyes of God both are important. Once we realize that God loves us all and sees believers are all important than I believe things will change. Everyone knew who Paul was but he pointed to Jesus Christ and not himself. I and ever believer need to do the same. I really like Pastor David Wilkerson because he seemed like a man who valued each and ever person and did not glorify himself. I hope God can help me to become that humble.
To those of you who think Jimmy Swaggert shouldn't be forgiven for his sin....what makes his sinany greater than your sin of judging him here on this site??????
ReplyDeleteIf he isn't forgiven neither are you!!! God can use anyone He wants....to get mHis word declared! Jesus died on the cross for everyones sins and personally it is very hard to live in this world and not give in to temptation.....I need to repent everyday if not more often!! If we could get to heaven without the forgiveness thru Jesus Christ tha He died in vain!!
The Bible says God throws our sins into the depths of the sea to be remembered no more and woe be to those who would dredge them up!! Want to know where it says that? Use your concordance and Bible to look it up!!
ReplyDeleteJimmy's great, he is right on target, being I am Pentecostal..The only real Pentecostal, preacher we have, that tells like it is. Sonlife is for real, and I am blessed having him in my house..Becky
ReplyDeleteShame on you so called Christians...you are being deceived and used by Satan himself! Pull out the log in your own eye! No man is without sin!!!! Who are you to judge anyone God fusses who he chooses...what good have you done to bring glory to his name? God bless this ministry! And the true gospel message they send!
ReplyDeleteI David S. (gay) advise/challenge "anyone" to read the book called "What the Bible REALLY says abo ut Homosexuality" written by Daniel A. Helminiak, Ph.D. It will answer those questions you may have. It along with the Holy Spirit might even change your way of thinking on the Gay subject. Thx JESUS!
ReplyDeleteI have read it and was pleased to. It "did" change the way that I felt about those gay ideas and how I condemned them!
DeleteAs Christians we are to walk close to Christ and obey HIM. Placing men , no matter who they are or how famous they are , on pedestals is wrong .
ReplyDeleteHumility is required of all believers and living a life that is conservative instead of lavish .
God expects us to present a good witness .
Living anyway one wants to does not witness FOR CHRIST JESUS !
It seems strange that we are told not to judge.Yet,let the Swaggarts judge someone for saying the person like secular music,is Catholic,goes to a sport games,in other words,for saying if someone does these things that person is not a Christian,is wrong for the swaggarts to do this.
ReplyDeleteThe "Judge Not lest you be judged" bible verse applies to ALL of us,and to the Swaggarts.Yet,let the Swaggarts judge us by saying we are not Christians by doing what I just described,the Swaggarts are given a free pass by his followers.
Just as God is their judge,God is our judge too.The Swaggarts are not.I won't watch SBN partly for that reason.
And y'all who are talking about Swaggart's forgivness,god forgave Jim Bakker too,yet I don't see anyone giving him a free pass like you do the Swaggarts.
The Swaggart family is not judging anyone they are starting what they think. Why does that upset you so? If you want to listen to vulgar music that treats women as pieces of garbage, go ahead God Will Judge what you did when you sit in his judgement. You are saved by what Jesus did for us on the cross not by works. Remember one sin is no worse than another to GOD, only man puts sin on list from bad to worst.
DeleteJimmy Swaggart has drug addicts and criminals on him team.He also uses devil music,bar room music and put Christian words to it..I can not believe God would be please with such music as Christian songs
ReplyDeleteToday 4/23/15 at 12 noon his music to the song being singing was the tune of duel with the devil..
ReplyDeleteSounds like you are the one that has sin brother!
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like legalistic stone throwing to me... as if you were qualified to throw the first stone. It also sounds to me like you don't understand the Gospel, how it is not about how holy we are but rather it is about how much faith we have in the One and Only One is is Holy, Jesus Christ and the Finished work of the cross. Did any of you trashing Jimmy for his weaknesses ever look in the mirror? you too are a sinner who needs a savior and none of us are going to be perfect even after we are saved not until Jesus comes back! In my opinion Mr. Swaggart had more guts than most people, I mean I have never seen you get up in front of the whole world and repent. And for those of you trashing him for his wealth, lets stop and think for a moment... he is a gospel music recording artist and author as well as being a minister of the Gospel. Did you ever stop to think that much of his income is made by sales of music and books? I don't see you trashing your favorite music artists or authors for being rich... hello? Be very careful when you criticize God's children because God is our avenger...and I hope you repent and get saved if you are not already and stop focusing on your own offenses and start focusing on Jesus and then you wont have any hard feelings or desire or time to spread negative accusations about other believers who are supposed to be your spiritual family.Don't you know that when you accuse the brethren you are acting exactly like Satan...?
ReplyDeleteThat's what they said about Jim Jones, and David Koresh
ReplyDeleteThere seems to be a lot of swaggart idol worshipers.
ReplyDeleteJohn 15, Jesus's words, if you abide in Him, and He abides in you, and His word abides in you, then you will bear much fruit proving you are His disciples, and that honors the Father.
In true salvation, the fruit we are bearing in John 15, is the character of Jesus Christ, described in Galatians 5, as the fruit of the Spirit.
Jesus said this, He also said if you do jot deny yourself pick up your cross and folow me, you are not worthy of me.
And again, enter into the narrow gate that FEW find and difficult is the path, that leads to life.
And broad is the gate to destruction and many go by it.
Ok, shelli, do we get it, there is fruit of salvation, that we are abiding in Jesus and He in us, and His word in us.
Now, as far as requiring more,
Jesus has always required more from the shepherds.
Jimmy Swaggart cannot serve two masters,
The love of money is the root of all evil.
If Brother Swaggart had truly repented of his adulterous act then instead of asking for his church goers and television audience for forgiveness he would of asked for forgiveness from the prostitutes and all their family members. Has anyone every noticed how Jimmy and Donnie always bring up the fact that they've never smoked or drank alcohol? Come on people, this is to take the reflection off of another sin that is bad for the body..sexual immorality! Some of you folks love Jimmy and some of you hate him and his sin was against call girls but Jimmy has never once told us if he has every asked for these women's forgiveness personally. Does any of you people writing comments know if any of these women have ever been led to The Lord Jesus Christ? Jimmy could of easily went to these women and asked for forgiveness and then asked them if they would come to church and this would of proved to the world that he had truly repented. What a testimony that would of been and maybe these women would have given their hearts to the Lord right there...a great revival may of even started, but it didn't because I personally don't feel Jimmy has truly come clean of this act with the Lord! I'm amazed at how everyone is so ready to defend Jimmy but what about these women who's souls may be lost forever if they have never repented and ask Jesus into their hearts? This is what Jimmy should of been concerned about.......and that's why God gave Jimmy his wife, Frances and all of us professing Christians should of been concerned about the call girls including the whole Family Worship Center!
ReplyDeleteit's disgusting,here it is 2015 and for the most part,the church is more concerned with what someone watches on tv and what bands they listen to ,than anything else!! I had hoped the 70's saw an end to that legalism. no wonder the church doesn't attract young people these days
ReplyDeleteWhen the blind leads the blind, they all shall fall
ReplyDeleteIf the Swaggarts were actually doing anything around the world to help others, they would be BLASTING it all over TV and the internet! However, you notice that Jimmy, Donnie, Gabe and their wives have NOTHING to show for what they "do around the world". Such a FARCE! They do NOTHING but line their pockets with money, gold Mercedes, jets, lavish homes and tax exempt $MEGA-million lifestyles.
ReplyDeleteHas ANYONE actually seen a live phone picture of giving by Swaggarts? NO! And you won't as they don't exist; because Swaggart buys BOGUS Ads with 4th world orphans, then shows us his pathetic, scamming behavior to give!
What a pathetic, adulterous, lying fraudulent patriarch; and his stupid, unfortunate family following behind!
Jimmy was ask to step down, but the lord is not here to defend his church so you have it. as long as they think they are feeding the sheep the word they do no wrong, and claim to be blessed by the sheep well they are a lot of sheep out there get to feeding them that are hungry and they cant eat bread alone put some meat with it. they are not getting manna from the sky yet and they don't need to be a member a sheep is a sheep and don't give them just the crumbs. because all sheep are welcome in the house of the lord, because just as a few sheep may need a doctor they are welcome, same as the ill gotten gain.as far as adding more words to the finish work of Christ and putting your words in with Christ and making a profit they should be a copyright law or they maybe a judgement what do I know as the lord is not here to defend his rights or church or his storehouse its open to the wolves. the words are like honey but you cant live on bread alone feed my sheep.as brother James has said weep and howl you rich men your days are coming keeping back the profits for the last days, try pushing a fat camel thu a eye of a needle or thu a narrow gate or pathway just as the dog return to his own vomit it is. feed the sheep.
ReplyDeleteSATAN HAS INFILTRATED THE LUKEWARM CHURCH EXPOSED! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkjDzQtAysE
ReplyDeleteSwaggart family are ALL scammers and liars! Claim to have built 50 schools and a church in Haiti- Proven LIE! Gave a few dollars to a joker named Bob Jones to put their name on buildings and take pics of starving kids to SCAM contributions out of YOU! Jim Swaggart BETRAYED us claiming to be a man of God, all the while screwing prostitutes and porn. He ONLY got caught twice out of hundreds of adulterous ventures- facts are facts! This ENTIRE Swaggart family is ALL about money and GREED! They all get a "parsonage" to live in mansions, free luxury jets, autos, jewelry, fine clothes, ALL tax free! We all need to take a closer look! Wolves in sheepfold! Do not piss your money away on these scammers, but give it to your local church in HONOR of God; versus disgracing and embarrassing God!
ReplyDeleteThe SCAMMING Swaggarts, 3 generations wanting your money; are NO better than other greedy,
money Scammers like Jim Bakker, Dollar, Huch,
and SO many other Fallen Scammers over years.
Jimmy Swaggart is such a scammer - even his $90,000 piano is self- playing! Check it out for yourself. There is NOTHING honest about JSM or that family, but GREED. Read ALL the testimonies of past JSM employees - many! If you are seeking God, you will get nothing from JSM and the Swaggarts in return, but more requests for money, as I have gotten!!
ReplyDeleteDo you know why Jimmy Swaggart "Cuts the price of his books, CDs and DVDs in half? "Cut to the bone, in half". That is so you cannot deduct it from your taxes, but he can avoid the IRS and live in the lap of luxury!
ReplyDeleteYes, it may sound stupid! But that is EXACTLY why Jimmy, Donnie, Gabe, Francis and others do it! To SCAM YOU! Read the IRS laws. They are SCAMMERS and NOT dumb! The 50% off disallows you to deduct it from your taxes! Yet they still SCAM you and the IRS!
ReplyDeleteYes, it may sound stupid! But that is EXACTLY why Jimmy, Donnie, Gabe, Francis and others do it! To SCAM YOU! Read the IRS laws. They are SCAMMERS and NOT dumb! The 50% off disallows you to deduct it from your taxes! Yet they still SCAM you and the IRS!
ReplyDeleteONLY Jimmy Swaggart was Ordained, then DEFRAUCKED as a Pastor, Minister of the Church. NEITHER DONNIE NOR GABRIEL have been ordained by ANY reliable aspect of God or TRUTH! They both claim authority from the "College of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries". NOTHING MORE! They are both JOKERS to God! God HATES Jokers and people who spite Him!
ReplyDeleteWhat do we do with these SCAMMERS of God?
I enjoy son life network i can not believe all this hate? Shame on you! Ig you don't like Swaggart don't watch don't donate simple? Brother Swaggart has saved millions of people! It is easy to be so critical when you don't do anything but sit on your rear! God Bless SBN
ReplyDeleteJimmy Swaggart has never saved even 1 soul. Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven
DeleteWe as Christians have to be careful as the bible says "touch not God's anointed". What Jimmy Swaggart does is between God and him. God Knows if he is truly repented. Bottom line is God put him in the ministry so only God can remove him from the ministry. I agree that some people put preachers on a pedestal, but they are still men capable of still sinning
ReplyDeleteI absolutely love SBN I watch everyday. I have benn watching Jimmy since the 1980s and can say he is an amazing preacher that has probably saved the souls of over a billion people. The Swaggart famiky works very hard for the lord. So he made some mistakes who hasn't? SBN is a big success and every week they are getting more and more stations. Now more people can get the message of tge cross. Thank our lord Jesus Christ for the gift of Brother Swaggart to the world we are blessed to have him.