Another brave former employee has now come forward to add credence to Michel McCumber's testimony. It would seem where there is smoke there's fire. I'm pretty sure JSM would like to snuff this fire out before it flares into another full blown scandal.
Frankly, I detest these continual scandals breaking over Christendom, causing the way of truth to be evil spoken of and bringing disgrace to the Holy Name of Jesus. However, I tend to think it's necessary to expose abuses in ministries, large or small. Abuse is abuse.
If the allegations brought forth regarding the secrecy, and abusive control freak practices of the JSM are true, they should be exposed.
Let the reader judge for themselves....... Click on title, (above), to link to the latest blog entry on Deception Bytes
Was "Deception Bytes" hacked and stopped by "someone"...just askin. It wouldn't surprise me. Michel McCumber's not only an excellent writer, she has been right on.
ReplyDeleteJSM is useless. It is a debased, corrupt mind controlling piece of garbage. Jimmy, Donnie and Francis should be in PRISON
DeleteI just watched loren Larson speak and i am with you. Who do they think the are.
DeleteAre you high on drugs or drunk or both? Or are you just another envious hater who is being influenced by the devil? I think your all three of the above
Deletesay this as many times a day as you can .I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. i believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified. I believe in Christ Jesus and him crucified.
ReplyDeleteReply...... Amen Brother......Christ crucified.... just like Brother Swaggart tole us about
ReplyDeleteyou all peole should know this by knowe ITs all a lways about THE CROSS. Im send ing in a seed faith offering to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries so Reverend ($5,000) Swaggart can get a real house like Brother Benny and Paul Crouch on the Ocean. The Lord told me Jimmy will get stomach cancer within the next 5years so he should as least be a happy evan as his soul prospers and Donnie will bankrupt the organization
ReplyDeleteHe's 82 years old now. It's 5 years later and looks like you've been found lying.
DeleteI just happened across this whole thread. I saw the date and thought the same thing. It's 5 years later and he's still going strong. I don't believe in Penecostalism at all but Jimmy reaches people many can't. I don't believe in all the Holy Spirit hocus pocus even though I believe in the HS. When you hear them "speak" in tongues it's always the same couple words of Babel.
DeleteIts garbage. Resort back to the gospel.
DeleteYes. this is a rebuttal of the last comment. Listen Sister (or brother), how dare you estimate how much more time the Lord Jesus will give to Brother Swaggart to preach the unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ. ITs entirely possible that Rev. Jimmy will live to 120 as Moses did. - Horus
ReplyDeleteTo Horus, youre the biggest idiot Ive ever met. The oldest person on EARTH RIGHT NOW is only 112. (a woman in Japan).. Jimmy has a fat gut and walks like and old old man. Id say Jesus will call him home rather sooner than later
ReplyDeleteWow, the NUTS are out tonight. It seems everyone is ANON. You stupid religious fanatics that watch Swaggart are the most pitiful, lacking douchebags humanly possible. Heres a deathblow to all of you. Noah's flood occured in 2365BC,give or take a hundred years or so. Scientists recently unearthed a FROZEN WOOLEY MAMMOTH in Siberia dated radioactively at 18,000 years. That means "Noah's" global flood NEVER HAPPENED!!!!!!!!!!!IF the earth were under water, the frozen Mammoth elephant would have DEFROSTED and DECOMPOSED!!!!!so shut up all of you detestable jerks and ignoramuses
ReplyDeletean addition to the last comment. A man named Bishop Ussher DATED biblical events according to the "inerrant word of God" by using "begots and begottens". This means if the Bible tells the truth about the lifespans of its characters, the GLOBAL FLOOD HAD TO HAVE HAPPENED RIGHT AROUND 2365 BC which I JUST PROVED is a silly misguided and fraudulent theory. WHY do you fundies need myths to cope with life?????
ReplyDeleteIn the name of Jesus, may the Lord rebuke the last writer in here for doubting God's Holy Word...amen and amen
ReplyDeleteOH BROTHER!. Ive had enough of this!!!goodnight freaks
ReplyDeletePicture this... You live in Madras India and Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart has all the neighbors talking. The year is 1986, '87 or so. Everyone in the village is clamoring to get "saved" by God's annoited evangelist. The arena fills up with wannabees (singers, charlatans, the lame, the mentally ill). Up steps Rev. Swaggart, all 6 feet of him.....Jimmy tells you that your Hinduism is of Satan. You must follow JS's christian salvation prescription(accept Jesus as Your personal saviour, confess and apologise for your SINS etc...Now youve become SAVED!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteFast Forward to March '88, Oct '91, some other random date in '98. JIMMY, the only man who preached Jesus Christ to you.... The MAN youve trusted with your ETERNITY has just sinned. Sinned Royally. Sinned with prostitutes. Comitted ADULTERY on Frances.
Now it's up to you mister or misses in Madras.... If Jimmy is your only glimpse at christianity, which he probably is, should you believe in his message??? Probably not, as whoremongers have no part in God's kingdom-Revelation. In the end, your dalliance with Jimmy's religion has left you angry, broke and all alone yet again. Can any HELL be worse that losing your faith in heaven???? Maybee Jimmy has no respect for your HUMAN EMOTIONS. Maybee you should turn to Buddhism. Maybe you should become humanistic or even an atheist... In reality Jimmy could not care less. Jimmy doesn't believe in heaven, hell or God. If Jimmy soiled your view of Jesus that's YOUR problem to him.. all Jimmy needs is your FINANCIAL SUPPORT and your brown- nosing
Here's the problem with your statement. The message is not Jimmy's. The message is God's. Jimmy is just a vessel. We all are just festivals if we want to be used by God. All men should look at other men as equal and God as ahead of us all. We just have different positions in the body of Christ.
DeleteIm going to try to replicate my conversation about Jesus Christ and Him crucified to My High School Jewish math teacher(Mr. Rosenstein). Me: Mr. Rosenstein, do we have Good Friday off this year? Mr R: What happened on "Good Friday?" Me: That's the day they killed Jesus. Mr R :"Harold, what's so GOOD about that?" Me: "Well, Mr. Rosenstein, The Christians believe God brought him back from the dead and all that" Mr. Rosenstein: That's enough Harold (my name) , alright"... My teaching to my Jewish math teacher about Jesus Christ and Him crucified flopped and I dont know if he'll ever listen to another "christian"again
ReplyDeleteUsing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to try and get a day off is not the way to present the gospel to an unbeliever.
DeleteYeah, listen. Mr. Rosenstein wasn't angry about CHRIST CRUCIFIED. He was madd at CHRIST RESURRECTED. Send this message to SON LIFE TV
ReplyDeleteAfter reading several online articles on Jimmy Swaggart, I believe Ive decoded his act. Jimmy is a master at controlling human emotions. Sonlife TVs latenight music is repetitive, droning and as far as I can possibly tell, only COMFORTING to someone at the verge of death. Jimmy Swaggart will take your $18 donation for one of his CDs,but his REAL AIM is targeting, psychologically directing and using guilt tactics to secure $BIGTIME$ cash and property donations from wealthy, lonely terminal human beings. This conclusion proves my worst possible concern about what's so wrong with Swaggart.... He's a fraud. I cant think of any worse personality defect.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless the writers in this blog and the other Jimmy Swaggart spiritual abuse anonomous sound off screen for blessed people of God to sound off on this ministry. Since we've come to learn some basic things about JS in the past month in here, one question comes to our mind. How does this man live with himself? When Swaggart can't sleep and doesn't have enough energy to get up, what goes through his mind?
ReplyDeleteJimmy Swaggart, to his credit, has a degree of talent as an orator, although it's waning with age. He's a just passable pianist and can write a little(with EXTREME EDITING to be polite).
Ok, back to our perplexity- how does Swaggart sleep at night? The answer lies with the complex and somewhat draining exercise of coming up with falsities(lies). Jimmy lies ALL DAY LONG EVERY DAY. This takes away his human sensitivity of being ashamed at misleading others. The REAL Jimmy Swaggart thinks very little of how his lies affect fellow human beings. Jimmy, always overestimating his abilities, spends most of the airtime of "The Message of the Cross" bragging about someone, sometime, somewhere telling him how good he was at someTHING. Jimmy has sunken to the point of being a sociopathic MEGLOMANIAC. Jimmy REALLY THINKS everything's always about HIM all the time, with EVERYBODY.
At this point, Swaggart has clearly lost touch with any semblance of reality. He is justified in his own mind of practically anything...and sins, discretions, etc. don't upset his equilibrium one bit.
Jimmy Swaggart has used self-talk to convince himself that he's God's favorite evangelist,preacher and pianist, maybee even AUTHOR! Self-talk is also one of Jimmy's supposed favorite hatred topics, namely humanistic psychology. In reality, Swaggart almost CERTAINLY DOES believe in atheistic psychology. Jimmy knows he's really a VICTIM... (of addiction to pornography) and has been since he was a boy. GOD doesnt put with THAT STUFF !! we all know, but Swaggart hasn't believed in God in decades and likely never has. The 1997 "Revelation of the Cross" is likely Jimmy's last and biggest deception yet.. Im sure he laughs all the time that no matter what kind of GARBAGE he says, some people will believe it and follow him.
Brother Reverend Jimmy Swaggart is in all frankness another WACO just waiting to happen. May The Lord have mercy on us all!!!!!!!
Looks like someone from Sonlife bribed google to put this site on page 3
ReplyDeletePastor Robert 'Bob' Larson has offered his service of deliverance for those psychologically harmed by JSM. Pastor Bob is the master Christian ant-cult minister. Bob casts out generational and family curses and deals with dangerous organizations in the name of Jesus.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Swaggart's out of control TV ministry has left thousands of people hurting and calling out to God. Larson claims he can help such people.
Pastor Bob can, as of recently, be contacted by calling 1-800-223-CLUB or at his ministry's sponsor, Swiss America@ at 1-800-BUY-COIN. If these sources are no longer available just google Bob Larson.
Demonic powers are no match for Larson, a true warrior for Christ. If Swaggart's dog and pony show has left you OPRESSED or POSESSED with evil demon spirits please get in touch with Larson. Amen!
The following is a message to anyone working at Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. The comments Im about to bring to life hopefully will bring new and honest responses from those of you who monitor this site in the name of JSM. If you're an employee of the ministry and you browse internet addresses to find out simplicities of your organization, I applaud you. I will not embarrass you. The following opinions are not meant to HURT anyone, who, for whatever reason, find themselves toiling for Brother Jimmy.
ReplyDeleteNumber one is: if you feel Jimmy's Message of Jesus Christ and him crucified is the main idea of the Bible, stop reading now.
If you think Swaggart's ministry helps certain psychologically disturbed, emotionally handicapped individuals, who have no friends and are dying, think again. Any ministry which subjigates people to mind control leading to financial manipulation is not morally viable. That means if you can live with yourself as an employee of JSM on the basis of helping 'some people', you're only fooling yourself! No human being deserves to be lied to. Swaggart lies constantly, on the air, every day! No mentally screwed up persons are helped AT ALL by this ministry.
The next point is that if you're AWARE that your employer is a complete deception, helping NOBODY, how can you take in contributions on the phone as a phone minister(if that's your job)? If youre an associate pastor like Loren Larson or Borg, don't you get tired of Jimmy dictating everything you say? Don't you get sick of hurting broke inner city slum dwellers? You substitute preachers may think you can live with Swaggart's idiosyncricities for the sake of supporting your FAMILY. If your' family truly knew what was really going on with the emotional adultery you've been committing(especially on broke and /or psychotic individuals), they'd be ashamed of you.
Ive read that most of Brother Swaggart's employees get emotionally worn out very quickly and 80-plus % of you are actively seeking alternate employment. The guys, 2 of whom Ive just mentioned, who accompany Jimmy on "The Message of the Cross", every weekday are emotionally taken advantage of in a gross, demeaning way. Dave Smith, John Rosenstern and the guy with the MD degree sacrifice their self worth and manliness every day on that program. Jimmy typically talks (brags) for about 95% of the airtime. You others play the part of Jimmy's SLAVES, for his aggrandizement purposes only. In my mind, the best example of hell on earth is to cater to someone like Swaggart's monstrous ego. I'd rather live in a homeless shelter and be flat broke than to live A LIE LIKE you JSM employees.
In closing, Id just like to say to all of you Ive been talking about that admitting you're in error isn't THAT BAD! Quitting Sonlife TV may be the biggest blessing you've ever had. Rediscovering your human worth and individuality, without the person(s) of Jimmy Swaggart (or Frances) dictating every move you make, may be the biggest godsend you 'll ever experience.
It is absolutely hilarious that all of Swaggart's associate pastors, whenever they mention anything about Jesus Christ, The Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Cross of Jesus Christ etc. HAS to say (with Jimmy's ferocious threats hovering over their heads)...AND HIM CRUCIFIED. No other ministry ever says 'AND HIM CRUCIFIED'. This doctrine was 'given' to Brother Swaggart by THE LORD in 1997. Jimmy has taken his 'revelation' and turned it into a 24/7 cult. It is not difficult to ascertain that all the associate ministers have a Propiertary Formula, dictated by Jimmy, they must regurgitate every time they're on the air, or off with their heads.
ReplyDeleteNancy Harmon has a much deeper voice than Robin Hurd and Hurd is a guy. Kind of makes one wonder...
ReplyDeleteMy Name is Silver Eagle and Im native american. My wife of 30 years and I have been alcoholics and hooked on fire water for 25 of those years. We got to a point and said enough of this! Well we started watching Jimmy Swaggart Ministries and Sonlife TV. We bought an Expositors study bible crossfire edition. My wife couldnt stop reading it. Then we got the message of the day book and also bought 22 Music Cds and DVDs. At that time Brother Jimmy was on our TV or CD player every waking moment.
ReplyDeleteWe had stopped drinking with the help of this ministry, but some terrible things started to happen. There was an accident outside our house and 3 people died. Next thing to happen was we started seeing spirits wandering the halls at night. These spirits walk through walls and doors and have evil orange eyes. We believe that they must be demonic presences and they seem like they want to harm us. I called my aunt who's a Christian and she had a minister come to our house to get rid of the spirits. She had an expert in Paranormal activities come to us. The person cut our TV line to Sonlife Tv and had us burn the Bible Expositor, the study guides and our Jimmy Swaggart CDs and DVDs. The man spinkeled holy water over our home.
My wife and I still are victorious over alcohol and now Were free from the bondage of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. We think the opression that comes from Sonlife is probably black magic and subliminal messages. Now we thank a resurrected Jesus Christ for our deliverance! Praise God!
Hello Silver Eagle, I am a recovering alcoholic who was addicted for 47 year. In my recovering from alcoholic drink I too went through sessions with things and people who were absolutely crazy. In later years with other recovering alcoholics, I (we) found that we had a time to go through crazy, idiotic, ugly, unbelievable dreams (scenes in our minds) which drove us to seek and seek the answer to. Finally in 1979 upon my knees in prayer to Lord Jesus Christ, my prayer for release from this imprisonment to alcoholic drink came. Just quitting drinking does not automatically remove the damage to our brains and mental faculties, Recovery is a slow process that we must go through until the day we leave this earth. I became alcoholic slowly, so being recovered will require a like process of time recovering. In the Holy Bible we are told to endure until the end of. , I am now in my 34th year of sobriety thank Jesus and going on to another day as He permits me.
DeleteWhat worked for me will work for YOU and I will stake my life upon that statement.
Maurice D.Mason
Thank You Jesus for Silver Eagle! Roy Chacon certainly has a similar testimony.
ReplyDeleteI'm watching a classic episode of Jimmy Swaggart preaching in March, 1988 and I'm curious if he had a session with a prostitute before he showed up to preach his message. What a shame that his hypocrisy cast a shadow over his ministry for the remainder of his days. He might have been forgiven by God but the consequences of his actions continue on. I question if he learned anything from his fall from grace.
ReplyDeleteJesus days he said you viper of snakes!! We still have them today..They got to have their belly full of trashy words to degrade whomever and they have sharpened their tongues like a serpent; adders poison is under their lips..very sad. Thats why the world is the condition it's in..even worse now.. Bro. Swaggart ministry is anointed of God.
ReplyDeleteSomeone needs to report JSM to Ole Anthony's Trinity Foundation organization. They expose all the shady ministries out there. He would be the one to expose JSM and bring it to the public. Send your stories to http://trinityfi.org/ They investigate religious fraud.
ReplyDeleteAnd Swaggart's "message of the cross" is a false message and he is a deceiver.
The hypocrisy of Jimmy Swaggart Ministries knows no bounds.
If you listen to J Swaggart one time you'll find our Christian deity is concerned with and entirely so with our belief that he exists. I have thought about this topic more than anything before in my life... Why does God make himself seem so absent in the huge majority of our' lives. Im talking of folks like Joseph Smith, who saw VISIONS. Why do unstable nuts always take over religion?, always ending up being our shamans?
ReplyDeleteTHE LORD seemingly is ALWAYS talking to Swaggart. Jimmy tells us THE LORD wants us to send in funds for new computer monitors at his translation suites. Jimmy tells us THE LORD wants us TV viewers to pay for new speakers at FWC. Jimmy says THE LORD told him if we're to have faith in Jesus CHRIST CRUCIFIED, then we'll be filled with the speaking of other tongues and be taken over with with the spirit. After Jimmy shows us SALVATION and SANTIFICATON, we'll be good little fundies and start sending in money.
Think about this. If we are destined to live FOREVER, do we want someone like Jimmy Swaggart and his OPINIONS of the BIBLE sending us off hopefully to paradise when they lower us into the ground? If Jimmy is right and 99.999% of preachers don't preach the Cross, that makes him immensely IMPORTANT!! He represents the hidden REMNANT OF TRUE BELIEVERS!!!!!! A trillion trillion years doesn't knock off one fraction of 1 quintillilli
nth of one percent of eternity. IF eternity is really something us humans are to take part in, aren't people like Jimmy free to tell us this as their job in life? If Jimmy saves one soul, doesn't that make him special? Can't he now be rewarded with a prostitute engaging in illegal acts with him if that's his cup of tea?
The answer is as follows: NO! If Brother Swaggart is a morally corrupt ATHEIST in his mind and heart, he has NO RIGHT TO make a living lying to people. Jimmy's ministry saps individuals of their money, mind and spirit.
It is possible Jimmy was once really A Christian. Its possible Jimmy once was crazy or obtuse or was hallucinating(especially audiovisually). Maybee Jimmy thought THE LORD did speak to him all the time.
Once the filthy laundry came out about Swaggart, it proved he was a complete fraud. Any person who truly is SAVED has no problems resisting BIG SINS like hiring prostitutes. People like JIM WOOLSLEY know they're MESSING UP all the time but to them saying a four letter word to yourself under your breath is a FATALLY UNFORGIVABLE SIN!!!!!!!! Jimmy looks down on the troubled Woolsley because Woolsley really believes Jimmy's exposition of ROM 6-8, also known as The Message of the Cross.
Once someone agrees with Swaggart, He'll start to tell them HOW to live NOW and not just of what will happen in heaven. Jimmy tells us to HATE SIN. OK, fine. The trouble is that hating sin makes us hate people that do sin. That means we should hate: The Russians, the illegal immigrants, Jim Bakker, gun control advocates, OPRAH, Messianic Jews, Muslims, psychologists, secular university students, The Pope, practicing Catholics and of course, ALL OTHER TV EVANGELISTS!!!!!!!!
Swaggart has taken fine notes that almost all cults are far right wing extremists. That's why he dictates all the feces that comes out of J. Rosenstern's mouth. Everything Rosenstern (A Jew) says is the stuff Jimmy would get sued saying. Jimmy gets to get credit for hiring a MINORITY, then forces him to be his parrot.
The crap that is for sale on Sonlife should be censored. All of Jimmy's books etc. are coming out of the mind of a high school dropout. Jimmy can talk hours on end about nothing, exhibit false humility and take over a conversation. Because of this, people who don't know what to do, or where to go or especially WHAT TO BELIEVE flock to this deceiver. JSM doesn't really help ANYONE no matter how pathetic they are. Jimmy Swaggart Ministries is a complete lie.
ReplyDeleteThere recently was a 60 minute special on TV about Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. In it we're told as forementioned that many employees are alienated/abused/mistreated by the bosses of JSM. I was surprised to find out that although Donnie and Frances are fear motivated robots of Jimmy, GABE is different. Gabe is the true heir of Sonlife and Gabe deals with people differently than his elders. Gabe actually represses info from Frances, Jimmy and his father Donnie. Gabriel goes to parties, Gabe hangs out, Gabe has honest laughter in him.
Without overrating Gabe( he is a well compensated EMPLOYEE of Sonlife himself), I see that the organization will outlive Jimmy, who's about to turn 78. Donnie has had chance after chance after chance to push himself into a leadership position and let's just say it really hasn't worked out. Donnie's preaching is based on screaming repetitive phrases at the people and going into fits of speaking in tongues.
Gabe engages in this crap too(Jimmy currently still is intimitating and controls the finances). The difference is that Gabe has some new material to speak on that's slipped passed his grandfather. Gabe doesn't always say ..."and him crucified" every time he mentions Jesus. Gabe has to pretend to worship Jimmy's music in the program "Living Waters" and if he's reading this I'd hope he'd resign. Gabe has a chance to keep the ministry going once the dust settles and Jimmy gets senile. If he can make Sonlife TV into a respectable Christian network by about 2025 or so (of course flying over Donnie's head), some people actually may benefit from the programming.- Amen
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This Mishl McCumber is against Swaggart's and it is her unfruitful fight to destroy the Swaggarts. How unGodly is that? If she spent some of this energy on winning people to the Lord she would not be so bitter.
ReplyDeleteLove the website and comments.swaggart is a lie.God help us.
ReplyDeleteI have watched Jimmy Swaggart since the early 80s. Has he made some mistakes of course who hasn't? SBN is a big success everyday they add more stations across the WORLD. I believe Our Lord Jesus Christ has chosen Jimmy to spread the message of the cross around the world. He (Jimmy) is a gift from God and we are blessed in having him.
ReplyDeleteI'm amazed at the hate that's being spread and that some of these people are or claim to be Christians. Very sad!
ReplyDeleteJimmy swaggart came in my house thru my tv set..he has the technology to look into your homes thru your tv..he threatened me with charges death ..ive been being stalked and harrased for almost 7 years because this place..have called fbi cia went to local police departments...my nerves are shot over 10,000 in medical bills I have a dcfs case over this now ..I've been crying out for help in the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA..this guy never used one bible verse all his own words he hypnotize me he is a spiritual abuse to the max ..threat after threat claims he even followed me in his car says I'm a prophet..he is a spiritual abuse person ...the story is very freighting and it would take a whole book to tell all hehasdone . Danny Rench..